Page 6 of Traveling Terry Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai December 21st 2016

I spotted a dog lying on a bench at the side of the road while on my morning walk. Seeing a dog was not unusual, but a puppy was curled beneath the bench, and my heart tightened. Then the pup moved on three legs and held its rear leg aloft. It hobbled beneath a cart nearby. I approached, all the while talking to him, telling him he was sweet and asking how he hurt his leg. He whimpered a little, and I reached out to scratch his ear. I’m going to have to wash my hands, I should not be touching this stray, I thought. Can I take it to the family at my homestay? Would they feel the sadness around this baby with the hurt leg and uncertain future and adopt him? I walked on, ... read more
Bird Rangoli
Dog and hurt pup below
The Kali temple

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai December 19th 2016

Madurai is famous for its jasmine--those small puffs of creamy white, heavy with fragrance, heavy with sweetness. The women here buy the buds tied in long strands and drape them from their ebony braids, or adorn the greying hair buns of older women. Donning jasmine seems a birthright for women. Men must partake by catching whiffs as they trail the bejeweled women in the temples or on the streets, or hang strands from their rear view mirrors in their vehicles. My driver from last year adored doing this, to my great delight. It is said that the jasmine grown around Madurai is especially known for its deep fragrance, thick petals, lengthiest petiole and delayed opening of buds, ensuring longer life. According to my host in Madurai, the soil here is the best for its production, and ... read more
Holy Basil to Sell

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai December 16th 2016

Suriya always includes a message in her Rangoli. ”We cannot touch the top of a tree—the branches get too thin and weak, and we would break them if we tried to climb them. So we must instead touch the sky.” That is the message of today’s Rangoli. Today is the first day of Margali, a month-long observance when the nights are longer and the air is cooler. And for each day of the month, women rise early to prepare their canvas, on the ground outside their doorsteps, where they create mandala-like designs—called a kolam or Rangoli—of white outlines and color-filled spaces. Ground white rock or rice and colored powders are their paints, their hands are their brushes. Normally Suriya would rise by 4:00 am and finish by 6:00 am. Only because I wanted to see did ... read more
Time saving trick

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai December 15th 2016

The rear end of a cow. Black and white, projecting boldly from the house entryway into the street. Unmoving, patiently holding space, just there. That morning I had seen only people and bicycles, dogs and water containers and motorbikes, until I had that vision. Timidly I walked closer, and through the protective metal grate across the entryway I spied the cow’s head, inches from the painted green door; she seemed to be peering right through it. Her head and horns were anointed with yellow paste and red dots—it had been blessed that morning by someone, but now here it was, most likely on its regular route, waiting. The woman of the house opened the door with a basket of treats, and gently urged the animal out of the entryway into the street. She fed her only ... read more
I'm getting treats
I see you in there

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai December 13th 2016

Thousands of tiny lighted clay pots of oil shimmered on streets, alleys, balconies, and shop steps around Madurai. Karthigai Deepam celebrates the birthday of Murugan, the second son of Lord Shiva, and people here eagerly anticipated this holiday. Outside the door steps of houses, women had created purple, pink, yellow and red flower-shaped kolums right on the street, and placed oil lamps and flowers. Women swished from house to neighbor’s house in their best saris, trailing jasmine sweetness. Children ran up and down the streets, tossing fire crackers, waving sparklers, and setting off billowing light fountains. They were having a blast. I covered my ears. I waved at families through their open front doors, thanked them for photos. People rushed out to invite me into their homes. I drank tea at one, coffee at another, coffee ... read more
Kolum and clay pot light
Lights and Kolum

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai December 5th 2016

No matter how many times I visit Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, I’m still awed by the place. So much bustle, and jasmine in women’s hair, swishing saris, praying pilgrims, families and whole tribes of people gathered together, crimson tilaks on foreheads, echoing walls, deities peering from their rock skins, bedecked with flowers and sandalwood paste, and messages on tiny pieces of paper rolled up and dangling from their limbs. Goddess Kali beckons many, her power draws like a magnet, and I’m entranced by her motion and the intensity of her devotees. There’s nothing like Meenakshi Temple and its vibrancy, magnitude, devotion of its temple goers. I wandered into an area restricted to foreigners. I didn’t see the sign, but I knew. I slipped inside the massive open doors and sat down on a ledge above women ... read more
Oh Kali!
Kavitha, 14 years

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City March 1st 2016

On my list of last minute things to do in Saigon: get a cup of really good coffee, get a massage, take a look at Mariamman Hindu Temple. That's it. Don't want to be too ambitious my last few hours. I have to get up at 3:30 am to head to the airport. I thought I'd beat the horrendous traffic by setting out early. Beating traffic is not possible. Zillions of scooters buzzed their collective way down the streets. I held my breath as I crossed a big street. I was in the middle thinking, "my gawd, am I going to live through this?" No break in traffic--I'm in the middle, and they're whizzing by--cars, trucks, motorbikes. They were very considerate, however, and avoided hitting me. Finally a break, and some drivers slowed a little for ... read more
Scooter drivers use face masks to preserve white skin
Only one leg, but perfect balance
Moving in the morning

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest February 24th 2016

I don't know why I bought them. The two guys with baskets of metal objects on the site of Khe Sanh hounded me from the moment I set foot in the area. They had coins and medals and bullet casings and fragments of war. One had a 1976 penny. Obviously, he had picked it up from somewhere else, not here, on the flat open area where Americans and Vietnamese fought a prolonged battle in 1968. Khe Sanh. The name of the site barely scratched my memory. I was 14 years old, in a world and mindset away from the war happening in this distant land. I remember the TV news people talking about the Tet offensive, but I was so young and unaware. Something about the Vietnamese new year starting. But back then, their holiday signaled ... read more

Asia » Cambodia February 14th 2016

Last year I foolishly passed up the opportunity to go to Banteay Chhmar, a sleepy village that boasts a large Angkorian temple and several satellite temples in various states of preservation. I made it this year, and I am so glad that I did! I glimpsed only a few tourists in the village and at the "headquarters" for this community based tourism organization. Two friendly CBT guides greeted me, arranged for meals to be cooked by women at the CBT kitchen, a motor bike tour of some of the satellite ruins, and a guided tour of the major temple. I was introduced to my homestay, a traditional wooden Khmer house with narrow stairs to the second floor and an undulating mattress in a corner room. A smiling white haired woman, the owner, prepared ... read more
The 32 armed Avalokiteshvara
Still standing at Banteay Top
Kids tossing firecrackers into the water

Asia » Cambodia » North » Preah Vihear February 11th 2016

I slipped by the barricade at the end of the new concrete roadway. I needed to walk before sleeping at my hotel in this small town in northern Cambodia. The surface was still white and unused. When completed, local residents would no longer wrestle with the dirt road, muddy during the rainy season and sandy now in the dry. As I enjoyed walking the level surface, I laughed at the footprints made by animals when the concrete was fresh--dogs of all sizes, birds, even cows large and small. Wouldn't it be amusing to find the bare feet of a toddler pressed into the path? Hey, wait a second, it's still wet! Hey, I'm making footprints! Sure enough, my Keen sandals had pressed their designer tread into the recently poured concrete. I quickly stepped ... read more
Terry leaves Her Name and footprint, surrounded by fresh paw prints
The woman who laughed; the man who took photo
Dogs leave their prints

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