Timoxicilan's Guestbook

29th June 2007

I guess by now you are roasted, toasted and feel like that turkey looked in "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase. Is it too hot to enjoy the beach? Is Rob coming home? Please be careful and do not talk back to those that butt in line in front of you! We love you, Mom, Dad and Steph
27th June 2007

I hope you don't mean that Rob picked you some fruit from the "country" of "Palestine." I know you are trying to pack your blog with indigenous references to culture, but there has never been a country called Palestine despite what you are told.
From Blog: Hot Hot Heat
26th June 2007

wat up tim
sounds like a cool trip so far...lookin forward to ur next post...paz
From Blog: Hot Hot Heat
17th June 2007

Your'e the man...
You crazy bastard. I could probly get through all those things except the tv stuff. Now you'll have something else to talk about besides Medad and Erzona. Sounds like dudes you'll probly run into during your luxurious stay at Habeeb's House of Hate. See if you can pick up an automatic weapon at the local magic lamp store. Good Luck, my boy. Hope to see you when you get back.
17th June 2007

Your'e the man...
You are truly one of a kind. I give you mucho props for this one. I hope you have great time. There's no way I could make it without tv; I could handle the others (probly) I just hope you come back with all marbles. Now you'll have other things to talk about besides Medad and Erzona- sounds like some dudes you'll run into in the ME.

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