Colin Moran

Team ColJen

Colin Moran

Colin & Jenny's Trip Around the Med 2008

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Marmaris October 5th 2008

And so we come to the end of our Turkish Mum & Dad (Colin's that is) came out to meet us in Marmaris for a couple of weeks, and we had some great nights out, especially at the Irish bars! Marmaris has got some of the best and worst of what Turkey has to offer, although it was nice to get "English" tea for a change. And the weather was perfect - sunny pretty much every day, and my folks were in their element. But after 2 weeks my mum and Dad went home, and we just wanted Turkish tea again - and because Turkey is magic, we got our wish, on the gulet....We had kept a trip on one of these Turkish boats as a treat for our last week, and it was worth ... read more
Jen & The In-Laws
Boat To Icmeler
Boat from Icmeler

Middle East » Turkey » Southeastern Anatolia » Mount Nemrut September 26th 2008

These are a selection of photo's from the rest of our trip into the Eastern hinterland of Turkey. You definitely get a sense that you are in the East, especially as we were travelling on the actual Silk road which used to carry trade all the way from China to Europe. This part of Turkey is also very conservatively Muslim, and coupled with it being Ramadan while we were there, it made for a very interesting version of Turkey to experience, especially after coming from Istanbul and the coast, where tourism is the main industry. We had a great time in this part of Turkey, and we can recommend to anyone to get to this part of the country if you can. The Harran village, with its bee-hive homes was especially interesting, and surprising to see ... read more
Memorial for those who died building Ataturk Dam
Ataturk Dam..1.6km wide..
Abraham Columns in Urfa

Middle East » Turkey » Southeastern Anatolia » Mount Nemrut September 25th 2008

This was one of the highlights of our trip, a chance to step back in time and witness the last monument of an absolute monarch from centuries ago (the links below give the full history of the statues and how they got to the summit of the mountain). We had to set off about 4am to ensure we got up to the summit, and it was worth it - sunrise was awesome, with the sun rising on one side of the mountain, while a storm gathered on the other side - we came down the mountain in driving rain, which made the cup of turkish tea (at the obligatory gift shop) all the more welcome. It was all worth the 2 days on a bus to get there! Mount Nemrut info; read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Europe September 22nd 2008 read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Cappadocia September 22nd 2008

And so onto Cappadocia, a region of Turkey famous for its amazing landscape (parts of Star Wars were filmed there) - there will be plenty of pics to follow! We travelled along the route of the old Silk Road, the trading route that used to exist between Europe and Asia, and we got the chance to stop at some of the caravanserais that still stand on the route. These were stopping points every 20-30km along the route, to allow the camels to rest, and to allow for trading along the way - the one we visited was in near perfect condition, and it was cool to see it the way the traders would have seen it all those centuries ago. We stopped for lunch in Konya, a large city in the heart of the Anatolian plain, ... read more
The Last night with Fez Bus gang 2
Balloons in the  Morning
Col & Glenn

Middle East » Turkey » Mediterranean » Egirdir September 20th 2008

The highlight of getting back on the Fez Bus was being reunited with our original tour leader Kerry who had been with us on the first 2 sectors and was by far the best Fez leader on the circuit. A large part of her appeal was that she appeared completely scatterbrained - mainly because she said everything as she thought it so, where others would try to maintain an aura of calm regardless of what was going on inside, you always knew exactly what Kerry was thinking and feeling as it happened - but despite this things always worked out and everything got done correctly which is more that could be said for most of the other tour leaders we’d had. We had 2 brilliant examples of this within minutes of rejoining the Fez Bus - ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Mediterranean » Olympos September 19th 2008

Too soon we had to get back on the Fez Bus and head for what we expected to be yet another highlight of Turkey - Olympos and its treehouses. A fairly uneventful journey was followed by an exciting arrival as we caused unintentionally caused controversy. We arrived at the “House of Fez” in Olympos, a place called Kadirs which we weren’t staying at because we had heard that it was a massive party place and we just wanted to relax. The tour leader said he would get someone to contact Sabans (the place we were staying) so they would send someone up to collect us but in the meantime we should come into Kadirs for a welcome drink (normally reserved for those actually staying there). We were not going to refuse a free drink so headed ... read more
Olympos beach 2
Olympos ruins 2
Olympos tomb

Middle East » Turkey » Mediterranean » Kas September 18th 2008

After a couple of relaxing days in Fethiye we were on the road again - for a while at least. We had only just left Fethiye when the driver decided that the bus needed a quick service (it seemed to be running fine) so we pulled into a garage, the mechanic did his thing and the bus broke and would not start. 5 days on the Fez Bus now 2 breakdowns and 2 days with no aircon - we were starting to feel that we were the jinxes. After about half an hour of mechanics looking panicked it started up again although we were all a bit concerned about how far we would actually get before it broke down again. It held on though and we made it to Kaputas Beach a stunning little beach on ... read more
Kaputas Beach.. Best in Turkey! 2
Kaputas Beach.. Best in Turkey! 4
Kayaking in Kas

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Fethiye September 16th 2008

Fez Bus: Sector 4 - Koycegiz to Fethiye The next day was very exciting and started with yet another sales room - this time carpets. Frist they showed us how they get the silk from the worms and then how each carpet is hand woven - some taking 4 years to complete and comprising 400 knots per square inch - mad! Then there was a long demonstration in the show room where about 6 staff threw carpets around and let us walk on them - they were lovely. Once again, being handmade they were massively expensive - starting about £1,000 for a welcome mat sized rug - and some actually cost more than my house so why they were bringing Fez Busers there is beyond me. Surprisingly no one bought anything, again. We then headed to ... read more
Carpet weaving 2
Thousands of pounds worth of carpet!
Carpet walking

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Koycegiz September 12th 2008

Fez Bus: Sector 3 - Selcuk to Koycegiz After 3 nights in Selcuk it was back on the Fez Bus for the journey to Koycegiz (pronounced Coogies, obviously). To be honest the first half of the day was a complete waste of time with us only actually travelling about 30 miles from Selcuk and instead visiting a variety of sales rooms. We started in a gorgeous little village called Sirence where we sampled the local fruit wines which come in a variety of flavours including mulberry, kiwi, peach and pomegranate of which Col’s favourite was the mulberry (I was still a bit under the weather so had a lovely glass of apple tea instead). Sirence had been a Greek village until the “population exchange” in the 1920s (when Greek communities in Turkey were sent back to ... read more
Old Christian church in Sirence
Views from Church in Sirence

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