Susurros somnolientos' Guestbook

26th January 2014
Forgot the name of this ubiquitous bird

A reminder...
I'm not a birder (or at least I wasn't until I took my brother and his wife - both keen ornithologists - to India last year!), but I now know that this bird, commonly seen throughout the Indian sub-continent, is a Red Wattled Lapwing.
27th January 2014
Forgot the name of this ubiquitous bird

Thanks for that! When it comes to flowers and birds, I usually have no idea...
26th January 2014

Your photos take us there, what a paradise, thanks for sharing
25th January 2014

I hadn't realised until now that you are from Germany... you should come to Mallorca then!! ;)
26th January 2014

It's a secret ;)
Already been there...but I wouldn't mind coming back for some nice hikes or bike rides. :)
21st January 2014

You always make me laugh
Bloody dolphins..and bloody Russians!
24th January 2014

I knew you'd understand...
Hi Cindy, thanks for commenting! I wonder what similarities Russians and dolphins have...
16th January 2014

I liked the flight critique... far as I'm concerned the more detail to help me live vicariously through a blog, the better! Looking forward to reading your impressions of the north.
16th January 2014

The flight was ok...
Hi Ren and Andrew, thanks for reading! Glad you liked it. Just thought I should finally write something about that rather important aspect of travelling as well. With flights, it's those little things that make or break it, in my opinion. Cheers, Jens
15th January 2014

I totally agree with you on the "sit down, fuckers!"... however, we have enough rude Germans (and other nationalities) here in Mallorca, so please, don't send us any more!!!! (they also come here expecting everybody to speak German (or English)... the poor things, how can they know we speak Spanish in Spain?!?) :D
16th January 2014

Bad tourists
Hi Denidax, thanks for the comment! I just thought it would be a good idea to keep the badly behaving German tourists in one spot and not allow them to spread and invade the whole world. Mallorca with its tried and tested tourist ghettos would come to mind for that, as would Bali for Australians. ;) At least even the dumbest German seem to be less monolingual than those guys! :D Cheers, Jens
7th January 2014

I like your honesty. Well done.
7th January 2014

Good one
Hi- This is a good and well written blog. Enjoyed it.
7th January 2014

Locust capitalism
You've made me laugh with your description. Two sides to every city and the flashy side that Dubai likes to present is a bit of a circus. Baskin Robbins is no gimmick with Shane...more an undying passion. Glad you got to meet and have fun in Oman.
14th January 2014

Too much too soon for Dubai
Hi Dave and Merry Jo, thanks for commenting, glad you liked my rather caustic descriptions. Amidst all the Dubai circus, it was great meeting Shane, and eating ice cream with him! :) Cheers, Jens
3rd January 2014

Thank God...
"I've come to the conclusion that if Dubai impresses you there must be something fundamentally wrong with you." Finally, someone else has said it! I've never actually been to Dubai, as from what I've seen in the media and heard from others, I imagine I'd absolutely hate it, so it's great to hear this confirmed by someone who's actually visited. I've done the Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong malls, but these Dubai ones seem altogether on a different level for overpriced useless tat. Thanks for writing about them so succinctly and saving me the bother of making the trip myself (unless I want to say hello to Shane myself, of course!).
4th January 2014

You're not missing out...
Hi Andy and Debbie, thanks for the comment! I'm not that good at holding back my honest opinion, and I feel that Dubai is so overly hyped it can take a bit of a bashing as well. I guess I haven't been there long enough to really experience what lurks beneath the flashy exterior, but I'm sure it wouldn't be something to change my mind entirely. For more down-to-earth people who are not that easily amused, I would say give Dubai a miss. Cheers, Jens
2nd January 2014
Eating ice cream with a camel

One of my 2013 highlights
Having read and commented on your blogs for years, it was great to finally meet one of my favourite bloggers. It was enjoyable to share stories, consume tasty vegetarian food and savour Baskin Robbins ice-cream (with dishevelled hair). You are not a fan of Dubai, but I particularly like it - and at least I was able to show you parts of the city away from the shopping malls. Hope to meet again in 2014!
2nd January 2014
Eating ice cream with a camel

Hey Shane, thanks for the comment. It was great meeting you in real life! Thanks again for showing me around and letting me stay with you! I was expecting that by now you would have experienced many different facets of Dubai and grown to appreciate it more than I did. Alas, with only a few days it's tough to scratch the surface. Nice new camel pic, btw. :) Cheers, Jens
1st January 2014

A peek at the other side....
A charming wooden dhow, veggie Indian food and a yummy-looking manakeesh (but what is it?)--good to know there are offerings for the non-millionaire set in Dubai. I can't imagine I'll ever have the resources to visit, but I'd love to see those wild fake islands though perhaps they aren't so interesting seen at ground level. Fab that you and the Camel got to meet and make our virtual community a real one!
2nd January 2014

Peeking over
Hi Tara, thanks for commenting! A manakeesh is something between a flatbread and a pizza, I would say. It's delicious, especially when it's freshly baked in the morning. You don't have to be rich to visit Dubai - many things are surprisingly good value, but they need to be sought out. I've been on one of those fake island, and you're right, they're nothing special on ground level. Close-up they just look like ghettoes for the rich. Cheers, Jens
20th December 2013

A comprehensive blog on a hot adventure!
So impressed with your experiences in Oman - the forts, scenery and even that eeire sink-hole (yes, some places do have a very uncomfortable ambience. I've not seen any of the sights you listed here and they all look worthy of a couple of weeks - but in cooler weather. You should have shared some food with camel that came sneaking from behind, I'm sure it was only trying to be hospitable and considerate in approaching you so quietly.
2nd January 2014

Better late than never
Hey Shane, thanks for commenting! Oman does have a very wide variety of sceneries and things to do. It's definitely worth it spending a few extra days for more far-flung areas. Unfortunately I haven't made it to Salalah in the extreme south, a place that's supposedly one of Oman's highlights. I was a bit apprehensive of the stalking camel - I'm not quite sure how to deal with them, and I didn't want to give it an upset stomach by feeding it Turkish food. ;) Cheers, Jens
22nd November 2013

:) love your blog! awesome hey! keep updating keep being freedom traveller jia you!

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