Sue Tonkin's Guestbook

10th September 2014

Bangkok Dreaming
How is the smog there? still pretty bad?
From Blog: 9th March
16th September 2008

Great blog
Hi Suz Just been looking at your blog. Looks like you had a great time. Can't wait to see Vietnam ourselves later this year. Catch ya chris
11th April 2008

Yo Sue!!!
I was just tickled to get your e-mail today. It put a smile on my face. I called Daniel immediately to tell him to check his e-mail because I had sent him a surprise. (I forwarded the message to him) What a fun day we all had together?!? You guys were awesome to pal around with. It sounds like Christine and you had a fantastic trip. I'm glad that we were able to have a small part in it. I read some of your stuff... I see that you like spicy foods, well if you do...I think you should definitely come see us in Korea and have some Kimchi ...All the food here is spicy... :) and I am sad to say that I never had any of those Vietnamese rolls you wrote about. Hmmm....gotta get those next time....Well tell Christine that we said guys take care... If you ever come to Korea, please contact us! Thank you for the pictures!!! Love in Christ, brooke
6th April 2008

zoo loo
No I didn't. Now wish I had.
4th April 2008

did you go to the loo at the zoo? it's all open...when you wash your hands, you just look out over the vegetation
18th March 2008

Zoot suit
Not what you think Paul. Now a Zoot Suit means a gangster suit, not a pink jump suit. That was the seventies!!
From Blog: 16th March
17th March 2008

Zoot Suit???
From Blog: 16th March

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