Page 24 of Steve Corin Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Alaska » Fairbanks June 3rd 2014

Up and at em.... First real day of our first real organised tour ever..... To breakfast sort if early and then back to the coach in plenty of time at 0900 (and who said tours all start really early.......). Off we go to parts of Fairbanks of notable history - 1st gold found at this part of a river, then the Alaskan pipeline and finally into downtown for lunch, etc.... Back at the coach by 1245 please - do some shopping coz we know where to go. Then a quick coffee before we get back in plenty of time - oh no - coffee takes forever to order and make. Get back 5 mins late and we are in the bad books - get lecture about being on time or everyone suffers - cower in the ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Fairbanks June 2nd 2014

Wake up knowing we are allowed to check out at 1200 -so guess what - just make the 1200 checkout. Never mind.... Leave bags at hotel and explore Fairbanks. Downtown is hard to find as there really isn't much of downtown... Get a coffee house that looks ok and order soup and coffee for Chris. Soup good, coffee gets a pass mark. Bit of a drizzly day but not too bad to walk the streets. Ask about where to go in downtown and we had obviously got that right befor the coffee shop. Do a few more shops the tot the visitor centre where we spend the best part of 2 or 3 hours - very inter steins especially after our northern adventure. Walk back to the hotel, order a cab and off to our next ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Fairbanks June 1st 2014

Up early and over to the bar/diner for breakfast. Meant to be on the road at 0700 but kitchen a bit slow so breakfast ended up in take away containers - not bad for some but a bit difficult for the bacon and egg eaters (not me on that case......). Get to Wiseman and meet Jack - our tour expert of things remote and wild... He explains the ways of the old time Alaskan pioneers and how they lived and existed in the cold winters (-50 to -70 F). He then explains how he gets ready for winter himself by growing potatoes then harvesting and storing in his cellar which will last until the next summer along with a few other root veggies (carrots, onions). He also hunts animals and stores them for the winter as ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Prudhoe Bay May 31st 2014

Wake up in Deadhorse and pack bags for departure. Breakfast in the kitchen and meant to leave at 0800. Slight delay with iced up van so leave at 0840 - temp 29 F.... Pack into the van for the trip south on the Dalton highway. Regular stops for viewing wildlife - Alaskan snow geese, ptarmigan (national bird of Alaska - looks like a chicken - Snow White in winter but changes colour in summer to brown - we saw both versions), caribou, musk ox and other birds. We followed the trans Alaskan pipe line (way too much pipe line - 800 miles). Finally stopped for lunch at an old construction camp site. Snow capped mountains all around. Again the stories that Pat and driver Mike could tell us were fantastic real life stories of what they ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Prudhoe Bay May 30th 2014

0500 and we are up. Check out and leave 2 big bags at hotel. Taxi waiting and away we go to airport for the Arctic Ocean adventure tour (3 days with flight up and drive back) -told by front desk she had been waiting for 15 mins-didn't want to be late for our pickup.... The taxi lady loved a chat. Tipped her $5 so she was happy. Sitting inside the tour office at the airport and she re-appears with a can of Bug Off - nice. Go through our pre flight details. Bags a bit heavier than 15 pounds but no comment. 5 of us on this tour with about 15 overall on different tours that day. All bar 3 from Oz - 1 USA and 2 kiwis. Hmmmmm. Our trip has us, 2 ladies and ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Fairbanks May 29th 2014

Left home at 0730 for the airport. Got through all the bags, customs, etc. without a hassle and then boarded the plane. On board and the pilot tells us we are leaving 15 mins late on purpose as they were going to make up 1 hr on flight. Not what you want to hear when you already have a 6 hour layover in LA. Still made up best part of 1 hr anyway. No dramas with bags etc. landed LAX early 0730. Bags finally come out. Cleared customs and transferred bags for next legs of flights and on the footpath at 0845. Now we have a 7 hour layover. Still decide it is easier and safer to stay on the airport. Walk to terminal 6 to see next flight area. Decide to go in but security ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Changi June 30th 2012

Day 49 Arrived in Singapore right on time @ 0600 after a long flight from Roma. The seats on this flight felt like ones from an old Dash 8 plane - hard and bloody uncomfortable so sleep was in bits. Decided to walk from T2 to T3 at Changi airport (for those who know Changing this is a reasonable walk). Problem was my directional calculator was a bit off and we ended up walking to the end of T2 then had to come back past where we started again to get to T3. D'oh... Oh well, a 40 minute walk helped kick away the sitting blues....... Straight to the shower place for a well needed refreshing shower then to try and get dry (28 C when we landed and getting steamier). Do some last minute duty ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome June 29th 2012

Day 48 Arrividerci Roma. We wake early and have our last meal in Europe. That is after lugging the bags down the circular stairs - wont miss them. The man in the breakfast cafe is a bit friendlier after 7 days of seeing us and Chris even got a special coffee this morning - double hit in a bigger cup..... Car arrives and we are off. Say our farewells to the receptionist who has been a good source of information and assistance. On the way Chris says it was lucky that we had the drivers in the order we did in Rome. This one was a typical Rome driver - fast and no room for other cars on the road...... Make it safely to the airport and get through the check in without even looking at ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome June 28th 2012

Day 47 Walking, walking, hot and hotter.... Do the shops, pack up papers we have gathered and decide to send those back by snail mail. Warnd that Italian poste is horrendous but we get lucky and move everything in 20 minutes. Off to the Pantheon to see the light from the hole in the roof at noon (1 pm italian time as it is daylight saving here) to see if it gets anywhere near the middle of the floor. Not as many people today so easier to have a good look around. This time we see lots of different things than before. The marble beside each chapel has a pattern in it - Chris said on looked like Santa - she was right but I am sure the Romans didn't realize this when they built this ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome June 27th 2012

Day 46 Another day of exploring the back streets of Rome. We head towards the Piazza Venezzia via backstreets. Find all sorts of interesting places as we wander from one little street to another. Shops, little shops where men are re-upholstering chairs, metal working shops, all working in very confined spaces but some sort of organization exists. We eventually get near the Piazza Venzzia but there are flashing blue lights everywhere up the road we are now on. Oh oh. Looks like a bike accident ahead. There are police everywhere with a woman lying on the road - doesn't look too bad, but there is chaos with people, cars, buses, police. This place has about 6 roads feeding into it and the accident is on one of the out roads so you can imagine the mess ... read more

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