Page 2 of ShiraGreenbaum Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken October 27th 2009

Interlaken Again, the train rides through Switzerland are gorgeous!! Switzerland is so green! We passed by some gorgeous lakes and waterfalls. It's almost like the country can't decide what season it's in though, because when you look up, everything is blanketed with snow! Interlaken is in the middle of two lakes and surrounded by the Swiss Alps... and absolutely beautiful. Some highlights.... Paragliding! Interlaken is the home of extreme sports and we decided paragliding would be our sport of choice for this trip. I can't really afford it, but I went anyway and it was well worth it! We were shuttled up a mountain and attached to our paraglides and pilots (tandem paragliding). My pilot was a nice guy named Pashi and we took off by running down this grassy hill (800 m above sea level) ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » North-West » Lucerne October 19th 2009

Lucerne First of all, the train ride to Lucerne was the most beautiful ride on which I have ever been. Switzerland is SO SO beautiful! Everything was so green and the small towns in the hills are adorable. There was a gorgeous waterfall around each turn and the whole time we were riding towards the incredible snow-covered Swiss Alps. I could not wait to get off the train and take some pics! Cheese Festival After shopping for some warmer clothes to keep me more comfortable the rest of the trip (unfortunately, I think I had my last beach day in Cinque Terre), we stumbled upon a cheese festival! I probably consumed my weight in free samples of cheese. I have no idea what anything was because everything was in German, but it sure tasted good! I ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre October 18th 2009

Cinque Terre The train ride wasn long from Pisa and it went though a bunch of industrial towns and tunnels... until suddenly we came out of a tunnel and saw the sea. It was gorgeous and we couldn wait to get off the trian! Beach We dropped the stuff at the hostel and went straight to the beach. The sun was out, but it was still a little chilly and I decided to wait until the next day to go for a swim. We went hiking the next day, but then spent part of the day after that back at the beach. The water wasn quite as warm as Barcerlona, but that was three weeks ago. The Hike We got a pretty early start to our hike. Cinque (5) Terre is five little towns built until ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » San Gimignano October 18th 2009

San Gimignano The next day (that would be Oct 12, happy birthday Dad!) we took a bus out of Florence to nearby San Gimignano. I had lessons with the guy who worked at the front desk of our hostel on how to pronounce the citys name because people kept calling it San Gio..something. This little city is so cute! Its an old medieval town that is completely surrounded by walls with no cars except emergency vehicles inside its gates. The walls and towers are from the 10th & 11th centuries. We had lunch at a fantastic little restaurant where I had delicious homemade pesto pasta. After lunch we walked around the town and just explored for about an hour. At the other end, theres an area that looks out over the hills of Tuscany. With all ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence October 18th 2009

Florence Sorry for the delay in updates! Its been a while since Ive stayed at a hostel with free internet and the internet cafés in Italy were really expensive. Got a little bit of catching up to do, so here are some of the highlights from my first trip to Tuscany... Markets As soon as we (Katie, 2 guys we met in Rome that have become our travel buddies and me) dropped our stuff at the hostel in Florence, we wandered to try and find a little food. We wandered straight into the huge outdoor market area where people tried to convince us to buy their leather jackets, purses, wallets, belts, etc. Unfortunately, I don really see much of a need for a cute leather jacket for my possible future jobs... but Katie and both guys ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 10th 2009

Roma Rome is such a gorgeous city! It's ridiculous how many big beautiful buildings, churches and fountains are everywhere. It seems like a really cool building that would be a major tourist destination in any other city is totally ignored in Rome because there's an even bigger one somewhere else in Rome! Gelato I've got to put gelato as a highlight first because it was probably the most frequented destination after my hostel. We managed to make our way over to Giolotti for gelato at some point every day (but never more than once a day)! I always had a dark chocolate fondente flavor that was phenomenal and then switched up the second one. So good! Trevi Fountain I think I actually made it to this fountain everyday too. This was Daniel's favorite place in Rome, ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia October 4th 2009

Andalusia - Sevilla & Granada After a nice train ride from Madrid to Sevilla (where they showed High School Musical 3 on the train in English!), we managed to navigate our way on the buses and then through some small alleys to our hostel in Seville. Our hostel (HostelOne) was about a month old and really cute. It´s the best sleep I´ve gotten on the trip so far, which is great. We dropped off our stuff and went to explore the city a bit. Ending up at... Tapas & Gazpacho We found a nice tapas bar and ordered some Sangria... yum! Very nice after walking around in the hot sun because it´s much warmer down south. We had some yummy tapas to go with it. My favorite was bread with cheese (goat cheese I think) with ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid September 30th 2009

Highlights of Madrid... First of all, the hostel we stayed in (Way Hostel) was fantastic. Although Kabul in Barca was a big party and fun, Way was much more relaxed and a lot cleaner. There was a great kitchen so we could buy some food and make our own meals to save some money. Town Squares We went to Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, & Plaza de Cibeles. Walking around Madrid was pretty different than Barca... I can´t decide which city I like better. The architecture in Madrid was phenomenal. I´m going to try to post pictures soon. Hasn´t happened to me yet, but one of the girls I´m traveling with got pick-pocketed and lost a few hundred euros. I feel a little silly wearing my money belt sometimes, but boy did I feel good ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 27th 2009

Unfortunately, I´m leaving Barcelona in a few hours; I don´t really want to because it´s been so much fun! I don´t have tons of time, so here are some highlights of the first stop of my Europe trip: Festival de La Merce- Human castles with people stacking on top of one another 10 people high! This morning there was a pyramid with lots of people on their hands and knees (though they also stood atop each others shoulders at other times) and then a little 5 year old kid climbs and stands on top! Last night I went to the fire run whre they run through a main street setting off sparklers and fireworks. I stayed pretty far back because I didn´t want my clothes to burn, but sparks still managed to reach me! The past ... read more

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