ScottAndJoy's Guestbook

12th March 2017

Great trip
Wow. You guys crammed in a lot and with two little ones you are amazing. Love the humour yo7 appeared to maintain with the heat, crowds etc. thanks for sharing
15th November 2009

Thank you as well as sorry
Dear Scitt, We are glade to get your beautiful words and very nice site in the internate regarding the Everest base camp trek combind the Island peak climbing with the himalayan Glacier Trekking. Thanks again for your patient and We are very sorr about your inconvenience at the arrival. You are thankful that you have let us know the misbehaviour of our staff at the airport, so that we can correct for the future clients. We are committed for the safty of our valued customer and to make our trips as an unforgotable event in your life time. Kind regards, Narayan Regmi Himalayan Himalayan Glacier Trekking
From Blog: Kathmandu
29th October 2009

Oh yeah-bout that're daughter will be wondering what's happened to her daddy!!!!!
From Blog: I made it back!
29th October 2009

Great Job Scott!
Hey Scott. Amazing! Wow to think you have been that close to Everest! Sooooo glad you have made it back safely and achieved one of your life's dreams. Good job. You wont believe how much Sara has grown and progressed in a month. Bet you cant wait to get home now. Love to you from all our clan.
From Blog: I made it back!
28th October 2009

low altitude sickness
yeah i have problems with low altitude sickness as well.. the good news is that you get used to it dude! seriously glad to hear you are better and praise the big one in the sky for that.. sounds like a fun experience with loads of good stories.. looking forward to catching up bro!
From Blog: I made it back!
26th October 2009

Great Photos
Love the photos Scott. No dobut it is even more amazing actually being there. (FYI - We've booked in a morning tea and slide show next Monday so we can see all your great pics!) Congratulations! :)
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
26th October 2009

Scott, Congratulations. Nice pics too. Cheers! Barry
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
23rd October 2009

Wow Scott!! AWESOME pictures of you on the summit! What a BIG achievement! BUT don't think about Everest!!!!! Loved being with your two beautiful girls recently! Can't wait to see you in November. love your relieved Mummy. xxx
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
23rd October 2009

Well done
Hey, well done Scott! We look forward to seeing all the pictures!
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
22nd October 2009

Good job Scotty, so how's it compare to climbing Cradle? Pretty similar I should think. But seriously, you know you're crazy? Yes, you are. So is Everest next?
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
22nd October 2009

Ha ha Joy is going to love that beard!! Well done on the climb!
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
22nd October 2009

Well done. We are looking forward to hearing all your stories. See you later. MA :)
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
21st October 2009

Woo hoooo
Juliann and I were only saying yesterday that we hadn't heard from you, so I'm glad you made it. It's great to hear what a fantastic achievement. I can't wait to see your photos.
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
21st October 2009

We are puffing and panting as we read what you have done. Well done. I thought it was cold in Tassie, but we have a heat wave to what you are experiencing. The hardest is over now. All down hill from here. Bye for now Jim and Merilyn
From Blog: We Summitted!!!
15th October 2009

Cool Photos
Those photos are pretty amazing. Glad you're having a good time bro. See you soon after you get back. And I expect you to have a massive beard by the end of your trip.
From Blog: Namche
9th October 2009

Hi scott
Great to hear of no altiude probs so far! Lovely to see pics. I wonder if Sara recognises Daddy with all the dark stuff on his face! Hope the clouds part soon. love Mum xx
From Blog: Namche
9th October 2009

love hearing from you!
looking forward to hearing how you cope with high altitude! Great to hear of nice easy strill in so far. I had a great porter on my recent Cradle adventure! He carried one pack and dragged the other in the snow! love Mum xxx
8th October 2009

Good to see that there are internet cafes around the place... I would have thought it would be a bit harder to get online! Has anyone had to be sent back to Kathmandu with a sherpa yet? At night time are the stars really bright? Good to see the beard is growing in. I expect grissly adams style when you pitch up at work on 2 November or perhaps just even a '70's handlebar mo. Mary Anne says hi and is glad that you are looking so well :)
From Blog: Namche
8th October 2009

This is so amazing, keep up that water, and stay safe.
From Blog: Namche
7th October 2009

Are you on your own or are there other tourists doing your tour/walk? Hope the weather improves.
7th October 2009

Delly Belly
Hi Scott. I forgot to mention take some tablets along with you just in case for "Delly Belly". It's very common in India, less so in Nepal. Even the food in good hotels can be suspect. Have a great climb. Cheers! Barry
6th October 2009

Go Scotty...
Hey Scotty congratx n best luck for this exciting tour.... stay away from ice... howz Nepali ppl treating you? Cheers, Nirms
6th October 2009

How many people are in your group? Hope you are all getting along. Those porters are making me feel decisively tubby when I think about what their cardiovascular system must be like! Loving the updates! The lunch in particular sounds wonderful. Keep 'em coming!
6th October 2009

I'll be watching you...
Hey bro, been following your every word. Sounds pretty amazing. One of the kids here at school just said to say you're crazy for trying to climb one of the Himalaya's. Have a great trip.
1st October 2009

Go Scotty,
now make sure you bring all your fingers and toes home!!

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