Page 2 of Robedge Travel Blog Posts

Well we are all due for another relaxation day today. The boys were hung over so in the morning I got my stuff organized. We went to book plane tickets home but had credit card problems. We are planning to head back to Canada on the 17th because that is the cheapest and best time for our remaining cities. We want to do a loop through Panama and end up in San Jose for the flight. The weather has been bad all day so we lazed in hammocks for most of it. Eventually we made it to the Internet cafe again to book our tickets. We fly home on the 17th and get into Vancouver at midnight. We ate dinner at the hostel which was the traditional carribean whole fish chucked in a stew. They put ... read more

Today we all decided to do our own things. Matt mainly lazed about the hostel while the rest of us randomly wandered around town. Justin, Morris, and I found our way to a black sand beach that entertained us for an hour before we found out the sand was just too fine. It stuck to everything and didn't come off very well. I headed back to the hostel while they went to a local diner for food. Later in the day Justin and I headed back into town to checkout all the stores. After aimlessly wandering again for over an hour we headed back to the hostel to chill in hammocks. Halfway back it began to downpour so we were stuck hiding under a tree on the beach. By the time it let up enough for ... read more

Being the first of February I realized we have been gone for two months now. Recalling our trip so far, we have had an amazing adventure. Today we go on, travelling from San Jose to Puerto Viejo. We managed to miss our ten o'clock bus because it was full so our morning consisted of sitting at the bus terminal until 12. When we got on the bus to start the four and a half hour ride, Morris realized the batteries on his iPod were out and Matt's were on low. It was going to be a long ride for them as Justin, Andrew, and I put in headphones and relaxed. The ride was uneventful and we arrived in Puerto Viejo around five. From there we booked into Rockin J's hostel and went to get dinner and ... read more

Pretty entertaining wake up this morning. We were headed for San Jose on the 6:30am bus so I had set my alarm for 5:45am to get up and run up the road to the bus. I woke up to the alarm but the other guys didn't. As I was groggily finding my bearings, Matt's alarm went off. Now there are only four of us in the room in each corner. Justin and Morris  have no alarm, mine is in my hands, And that leaves Matt. So the alarm is going off in Matt's corner for awhile when I finally tell him to turn it off. His response was "it's not mine" ... Even after I explain mine is in my hands he is still convinced he shut his off last night. Finally he sits up and ... read more

Of all the things to do in Monteverde, we wanted to see the wildlife the most. So our first day we we were going to explore the town and then head on the night tour which was the best bet to see animals. Matt and I headed up to an art store while the others wandered around town. It ended up being two clicks up a steep hill and my knee didn't like that. The art was alright but very pricey. After wandering into all the expensive souvenir shops we headed out in the night tour. It was amazing! Starting out we saw a tucan chilling in a tree, followed by some crazy insects. Just as we were starting to get a little disappointed in the tour, there was a breakout of animals. First we found ... read more

It's time to move on again! This time our destination is Monteverde. Not the most exciting day as we were on a bus then boat the bus again for the entire day. The road up to Santa Elaina is nice though with sprawling jungle valleys all around. As we got up into the cloud forest it turned cold and we all resorted to sweaters for the first time in weeks. From our hostel in Santa Elaina we will do day trips out into the forest. For tonight it is strait to bed, as we got into town late. Not much to say in this blog because we all slept most of the ride. But we are now in The Monteverde park :).... read more

Well Costa Rica hasn't given us the welcome that the other countries did. This morning we woke up to find some of our stuff stolen. Matt lost his shoes and shorts and I lost shorts :/. Really frusterating to get things stolen that we need. Not a major issue as we are going to head towards San Jose soon and can probably find cheap stuff there. I wish we had got robbed in one of the other coutries instead because it is expensive down here. Besides that the day is proceeding alright. The guys caught a bus to the park lands today to do some hiking. My ligaments in my knee are a little messed up from getting hit with a surf board so I decided to take the day off, laying on the beach. Yesterday's ... read more

Well our morning started off pretty good as we wandered down to the market for breakfast. After buying a bunch of stuff we headed back to the hostel and cooked a huge breakfast for two bucks each. Following that, we switched hostels to one right on the beach and got our gear ready for a day of hiking. Our first stop was a waterfall in the jungle. The five of us headed up to them and spent a few hours jumping off rocks into the pools and wandering through the many falls. Our photography skills were non existent but a different tourist got some good ones of us jumping through the waterfall. It was super fun other than Morris breaking his sandals. After the falls we headed back to the hostel to refill water bottles and ... read more

A tourist trap is not an ideal location for backpackers on a budget. In Tamarindo there were just too many one week vacationers so the prices were all increased heavily. We decided to head out today and get to Montezuma if we could. It is a little town at the southern tip of the Necoya Peninsula. We packed all our stuff and headed out with a few hiccups on the way. The van overheated after an hours so we waited on the road while it cooled. A local came up to us and sold us 6 canteloupe for 3 bucks. We ate those as we finished the five hour drive. In Montezuma we were all bagged so after a quick dinner we headed back to our new hostel for a movie. There are five of us ... read more

Well this day was pretty much a bust. We all woke up at random late times and wandered to the market for food. All of us spent most of the day in various forms of relaxation/recovery. My choice being to lie on the couch with a bag of cereal and gatorade watching the football playoff. Throughout the day the others woke up only to find a hammock or spot on the couches to read or surf the net. At 2:30 Jeff and James headed out on there way back to Canada. I forgot to give them stuff for home but oh well. We did a bit of planning that night for the morning but all in all it was a day of nothing.  ... read more

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