NanaNinja's Guestbook

29th January 2020

Thanks for blog
It was great to read
19th January 2020

That looks special. Love the orchids and the yellow one I have it is called Dancing Ladies and is a prolific flowerer. great art work and we expect to see your finished masterpiece next time Jackie.
19th January 2020

Happy New Year Jackie and Ian
Loved your drawing efforts , Ian’s were especially great. Warm and sunny here. Been swimming and walking Takapuna Beach Had Pauline and Neil and Val and John to dinner last night and prior to that enjoyed the men’s tennis at Stanley St going about 4 times finally watching the winner Ugo Humbert on telly last night after salad guests had gone . I remember well my efforts at learning to draw at Auckland Society of Art school which has long gone . Continue to enjoy! Love Robyn and John Spooner
19th January 2020

Mekong Madness
great fun abounds.
10th January 2020

Don't you two scrub up well!
7th January 2020

Happy new year travellers,
What an amazing trip you have had. You really are intrepid travellers and sharing your experiences on your blog gives so many of us an almost there feeling! Travel safe to your next adventure.
4th January 2020

Great photos of glaciers. And to be so close. You should wear a top hat often Ian you look much taller...B
1st January 2020

Yes I can see the penguins
Very atmospheric.
1st January 2020

Tango tango
Hi you two. Just got onto this. Didn't seem to work on the ipad, but the trusty old desk top has come up trumps (what a weird expression). The photos are brilliant. Really bring the story alive.
From Blog: The Tango
1st January 2020

Stunning scenery. What an amazing place to visit.
28th December 2019

Wow! Antarctica looks amazing! The icebergs are great and nice to actually be able to see below the water line because of the clear water. You did well to stay outside for 40 minutes. Your previous entries have been interesting although the history of the countries is sad. Continue to have fun xx
21st December 2019

Did you enquire what was done to the remains of bodies if a mausoleum was on sold?? Always interesting reading Jackie.xx??
From Blog: The Tango
21st December 2019

They just said that whoever bought it could what they wanted with them and didn't indicate whether there was an official disposal policy. Makes you wonder though.
From Blog: The Tango
16th July 2019

Trip progress
All sounding impressive. Quite a lot to take in but an amazing experience.
13th July 2019

Ultimate relaxation!
Wow, what a wonderful boat, Tiffany Lamps and all! Very calm and relaxing, similar in part to the Milford Wanderer, Fiordland - without the 3 hour sea passages!!! We had torrential rain and lightening yesterday but no signs of flooding, hope the Mississippi continues to flow and your journey proceeds, albeit at a leisurely pace. ‘Rollin, Rollin, Rollin down the river’ !! xx
6th July 2019

Trip so far
Sounds wonderful and many experiences being had. Stunning quilts!
From Blog: A day of drama
24th June 2019

Latest Blog
I bet it was fascinating and horrific learning about the lives of the slaves. I have read some novels and seen movies involving slavery in America especially in the “redneck” people of the southern states of America. Enjoy the Mississippi I hope you get on it or near it dispite the flooding. French quarters in any city are always interesting and usually good food. Enjoy love Robyn
From Blog: Oak Alley
24th June 2019

New Orleans on my wish list
Look forward to hearing the rest
From Blog: New Orleans
23rd June 2019

Trip so far
It all looks wonderful and super interesting. Yellow school bus is amazing and the food especially beignets.
From Blog: New Orleans
23rd June 2019

Oak Alley
Oh, I do envy you this trip. Have always wanted to go to Nawlans, and your description says it all. Look forward to hearing about the paddle steamer trip. Judith
From Blog: Oak Alley
22nd June 2019

Great reading on a cold Sunday morning
Loved your blog Jackie. Keep em coming!
From Blog: New Orleans
1st July 2018

It is all sounding so wonderful and what a little darling Elliott is. The boys will be enjoying having you to themselves while you all have aa amazing time seeing the sights. Fabulous commentaries.
8th June 2018

Kia ora Jackie. Really interested in your reflections on Warsaw. Pam and I loved that city, especially the evidence of Polish resilience, and we sense that you were impressed by that, too.
From Blog: Warsaw
5th June 2018

Nice article.Thanks for sharing it.Italy is always my favorite destination.I always wanted to visit there once.I heard a lot about Milan and Rome.My friends visited there.There are many beautiful places in Italy that always attracts tourists and Milan is surely one of them.The basketball training seems interesting.I love traveling and i really want to visit Milan soon.You write it beautifully.I liked it very much.Each journey is a different experience.Visiting new places and knowing about different cultures always give new experience.Nothing else can give that.Traveling always give our mind a positive energy.So we love our life more. Ref :
From Blog: Milan
4th June 2018

Hi Jackie - have managed time to catch up on all your wonderfull adventures. You & Bev have seen & done heaps while poor Ian has had to slave away at his love. You really do a great job of bringing us along with you on your travels .

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