Megan Schmidt's Guestbook

28th October 2009

Now that I know a thing or two more about Korean, the proper "spelling" is (사 랑 해 요). Much more compact. :D
21st October 2009

Your positivity
Meg--thanks for your attitude! It helps others--including me. On a different issue--I'd help you with the talent show by singing--but then it wouldn't be a talent show. :)
From Blog: FOR THE WIN!!!
7th September 2009

Hi Meg. I am currently in the interview process for GEV. Reading your blogs has made me even more excited and has given me a lot of insight to the school!! THANKS!
4th July 2009

miss u meg!
megan you crack me up! It sounds like you are having fun! I can't believe how big that store is! wow shoes and cheese! :-) happy 4th! luv you and miss you, Hannah
19th June 2009

Crazy Nutty Nut!!!
Are you off your nut??? Zip lining??? You better be careful, Chicklet. It sounds like you're having an awesome time. I wish I were there - I'd be zip lining right along with you :) Big, big lovin' Mom
From Blog: Whew!
9th June 2009

It's my turn to be proud...
I am really glad that things are going so well for you, I knew you were going to love it once you got into the actual teaching aspect of things. I'm definitely going to be hitting you up for pointers (I teach for the first time tomorrow!). Anyway just thought I'd leave a comment. lovelovelovelove, from your biggest fan. -S
9th June 2009

So happy for you!
What an experience! I'm so glad you are happy and doing what you love. Do everything you can to commit these moments to long term memory. Hold on to it when things get tough... remember how excited you are right now. That'll get you through :) Love you bunches!!!
9th June 2009

I'm so happy for you I hope everything goes amazing your whole stay and remember we miss you, and we are almost juniors!! Two more days!! Anyways have a great time good luck, Rachel
7th June 2009

love love
Hope you get that apartment switched... i love you!
7th June 2009

Great post !
I hope you find your camera cable. I would love to see some pictures. Miss you.
3rd June 2009

Wow, sounds like you had a mini-adventure getting there. I leave Friday morning for Spain, my apartment is right by the beach!!! Take care, love you bunches and bunches. -Spencer p.s. first one to comment on your blog, I win
3rd June 2009

im glad you made it safe, tinky! now go forth and teach english.

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