Page 9 of Mcewans Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Aurangabad August 28th 2018

We arrived in Aurangabad late on the 27th. Having left our first class coupe (I.e. private) cabin on the train the hotel was something of a disappointment. We are staying at the hotel lalitja executive hotel. We couldn’t find any hostels and this place seemed to get good reviews. Unfortunately the sheets were dirty (we could identify one of the stains as being a footprint), the air con is malfunctioning, the room dirty and there’s a lack of any mosquito netting and plenty of mossies around. The shower was freezing (so much for 24hr hot water) and the tea supplies were missing a kettle. Never mind, we went to bed, exhausted, in our silk sleeping bag liners. Sleep was elusive. It’s noisy and smelly (from car fumes and the dump over the road) and it gets ... read more
Aurangabad caves
Aurangabad caves

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai August 27th 2018

I was dreading the 6 hours we had as a stop over between Goa and Aurangabad in Mumbai. Partly because there’s not much you can do with heavy backpacks and partly because we had been chatting to a pleasant American on the bus to the station in Goa who was saying how crowded, busy and overwhelming it was. Our train from Goa was delayed by over an hour so we didn’t arrive into Mumbai until 1120 (as oppose to 10am). Our next train was at 1635 from the same station - Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (originally Victoria Terminus), itself a world heritage sight. There are 18 platforms here and as we struggled against the crowds to get out we managed to find the booking hall - part of the original building. It is stunning, with granite columns, ... read more
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus

Asia » India » Goa » Margao August 26th 2018

After blowing the budget on dinner last night today was always going to be chilled we had a leisurely breakfast, checked our travel plans for later in the day and headed out to the Goa state museum. The museum is now shut. The collection has supposedly been moved to the Adil Shah Palace but on arrival there it also looked very shut.... Quick change to plan B - a walk up the hill and back around to our hostel. The walk took us past some stunning buildings and the higher ground is obviously where the more affluent inhabitants reside. The views from the top are beautiful and exploring the old Portuguese buildings a pleasure. Exploring away from the busy main roads I could understand why people like Panaji. We arrived back at the hostel in time ... read more
Packed bus stopping for diesel!
Margao - municipal gardens

Asia » India » Goa » Old Goa August 25th 2018

Today we got the bus to old Goa. This was a surprisingly straightforward venture and very cheap (10p each!). We were lucky enough to get seats on the way there, although we had to stand on the way back. Old Goa used to be the Portuguese capital of Goa, with a population greater than that of London in the 16th to 18th centuries. Unfortunately they had to move the capital to Panaji in 1843 due to Malaria and Cholera. The area is now a world heritage site and full of old churches and cathedrals to see. On arrival we were surprised at how small the area is and how little there is in terms of cafes or places to eat. The guidebook recommends a day trip there but unless you’re particularly interested in the archeology museum ... read more
Church of St Cajetan
Se Cathedral
Church of St Catejan

Asia » India » Goa » Panaji August 24th 2018

Arriving in Vasco Da Gamma at just after 6am we were surprised at how quiet it was. There were no auto rickshaws waiting outside and most of the stalls and shops were shut. There were, however, a lot of taxi drivers. These seem to be replacing the tuk tuks in Goa. Deciding a taxi was far too expensive we walked straight out of the station, past the deserted tuk tuk stand, and managed to find ourselves a bus to Panaji. Perfect! And only 40 rupees each... The bus stand in Panaji turned out to be a mere 2km from our hostel so we walked there. Unfortunately we were somewhat early. Reception don’t start until 8am, breakfast isn’t until 830 and check in is after 230pm - welcome to laid back Goa! We are staying in the ... read more
Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
Miramar beach
Miramar beach

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 23rd 2018

After a relative lie in we ventured down for breakfast. Stephen managed to eat something and seemed much better despite not being quite back to 100%. We had arranged to spend the afternoon at the local sloth bear sanctuary and decided to spend the morning relaxing, reading and booking our next accommodation. We were picked up at 2pm by our tuk tuk driver from the tour to Anegundi we did earlier in the week. This chap, Raja, is incredibly cheerful and a real character. He has even pimped up his tuk tuk so it has massive speakers in the back and sparky interior design! There was talk of introducing a safari option to the sloth bear sanctuary last year but this hasn’t yet happened. It costs 100 rupees each to get in and then is a ... read more
Sloth bear

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 22nd 2018

Today started with a short cycle down the road to Bhima’s gate. We stopped on the way to look at the Ganagitti Jain temple, a fairly unremarkable place. The gate itself was slightly disappointing in that it was missing its city walls on either side (the maps suggest you can still see them). Being a rather plain structure it was clearly functional and not used as the main gates for guests etc. We next headed over to the Zanana enclosure, an enclosure with complete walls all around containing the treasury, a water tank, the queens palace (ruins) and the lotus mahal, a beautiful 2 storied pavilion. This is another of the sites you have to pay to go into, and is considered one of the main attractions in Hampi. They are doing a lot of work ... read more
Elephant stables
View of Royal Centre from hill behind
Lotus Mahal - Zenana enclosure

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 21st 2018

A comfy bed, thick curtains & double glazing led to an excellent nights sleep. Almost making the rubbish breakfast (compared to the hostels in Hampi) worth it... We were picked up at 830am by our guide for the morning and a tuktuk complete with driver to see the sights on the other side of the river. Anegundi pre-dates Hampi and is thought to be the kingdom of Kishkindu in Hindu mythology. The first stop was a climb up to the Hanuman (monkey) temple. We bought our bananas to offer to the monkeys at the top for ‘good karma’ and headed up the 500 steps. The views are spectacular and well worth the walk. Once at the top our guide explained the mythology behind the place and why Hanuman is important. From the viewing platform Stephen & ... read more
Stephen enjoying the view - Anegundi fort
Cave in Anegundi fort
By the river in Anegundi

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 20th 2018

Despite the best of intentions with regard to getting up early to see ‘sunrise hill’ after a rubbish nights sleep due to the noise we decided to stay in bed a little later instead... It actually turned out rather well. There was no way we would have been able to navigate the route up in the dark and it would have been rather dangerous. There seem to be a number of ‘sunrise hills’ and ‘sunset points’ in Hampi depending on who you talk to. We took it to be Matanga Hill. We walked up from the Hampi bazaar side. This was a fantastic walk with great views and some interesting, original steps and slightly scary boulders to walk over. On the way up we found a short cave system in between the boulders that eventually led ... read more
Climb up to Mantanga summit
Exploring on way up Mantanga hill
View of Sule bazaar from Mantanga hill

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 19th 2018

Our second day in Hampi started earlier than hoped due to the lack of curtains in our room and the general noise levels. This was more than made up for by the delicious breakfast the hostel provided, whilst sitting enjoying views over the river. We walked back over Mantanga hill, passed the Achyutaraya temple & Sule bazaar and towards the Vittala temple, the ‘undisputed highlight’ of Hampi according to the Lonely Planet (we dispute this!). It’s around 2km from Hampi and along the way there are plenty of other temples and ruins to investigate. We particularly enjoyed having an explore in some caves made by the boulders near the river edge. There are often little shrines down narrow passageways which are fun to discover. Once at the Temple we were greeted by hoards of tourists - ... read more
Cave exploration
The stone chariot
Vittala temple

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