Page 6 of MarieSpodek Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » Gujarat » Ahmedabad January 31st 2012

Can it be less than 24 hours til take off? Still trying to figure out how many suitcases. I want to divide up the sewing kits (see Drummer Bill's blog) and books, etc. in case one of the suitcases disappears. So, that decision in the morning. Decided that I had better "feed" my sourdough starter and freeze some of it because I just don't know if it wants to be untended for 31 days. So, the house smells great with English muffins. How did this all happen?? Last August, our good friend, Dr. Ilaben Pathak visited our home in Woodbourne on her way home after being elected one of the four international vice presidents of the Women's International League of Peace and Freedom (WILPF). I explained that we live in the country, and she explained that ... read more
2nd Saturday August-2012

Africa February 23rd 2006

Getting to Zanzibar We left our hotel, the Jambo Inn, about 9:00 am for the ferry to 10:00 ferry to Zanzibar. Our cabbie, Emanuel, took us there without hassle and dropped us off in front of the Flying Horse ticket office so that we wouldn't have to deal with the touts. Unfortunately the one we told him to take us to was the wrong one., their's left at 12:30 pm, so we had to walk to the Sea Star ticket office. It wasn't far, but we did have to run the gantlet of touts, pickpocket, etc. to get there. We were happy to see thay they had assigned seating and that the cabin was air conditioned. Dar es Salaam is incredibly hot & humid this time of year right before the rains in late March. Not ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar February 19th 2006

Spice Farm The Zanzibar Government owns about 60 percent of the land, so this was a government farm, although it appeared that many small, village-like communities existed. Spices are fascinating, and our guide could tell us where each originated, and showed us each spice and explained its season, harvest and any required processing. Here is a photo of us at lunch. Fish in coconut sauce, green vegetable, chappati, banana, etc. Nutmeg, Mace You peel off the outer part of the nutmeg, leaving a beautiful, bright red lacy substance around the nutmeg nut itself. The red lacy substance is mace with a similar, but unique fragrance and taste from nutmeg, around which is grows. Cinnamon Only the bark of the tree is used, and you chunk off a piece, and the bark regenerates in about six weeks. ... read more
Peppercorns from the tree
Mace and Nutmeg
Bill at the Zanzibar Beach

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar February 19th 2006

Zanzibar Spice Tour Companions The spice farm tour was absolutely the BEST value to date! For $10 each, we were picked up at our hotel joining 12 or so others in the ubiquitous Toyota minivan matatu, given a first rate tour by an excellent guide, a good lunch, a trip to the swim in the Indian Ocean at a private beach, and then back to the hotel. Not once did the guide or the driver ask for additional money, a welcome relief, although in this case, we certainly would have tipped the guide if he hadn’t disappeared without asking. Although we were to be picked up about 9 a.m., obviously that was African time, and as I waited in the street for the van, I noticed three other muzumgu (white people), and we determined that we ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar February 18th 2006

We only meet travelers by the way that we travel. We are in the cheaper hotels, the cheaper eating places, and the cheapest Internet places. By and large, we are in the cheaper shopping districts, since I guess that most tourists stick pretty close to pre-marked prices in the hotels or in the special shops to which they are directed. Not us! As a result, when we meet fellow travelers, our conversations usually center on where they have been, where they are going, what they recommend, and what they don’t recommend. Sometimes we see the same people from time to time. For example, the guide books and several groups had recommended Jambo Hotel on Zanzibar Island, and when several agree, we tend to their advice. However, when I called ahead to make a reservation, the answering ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam February 17th 2006

How we do it We started out by heading to the Tourist office, not too useful, and then we saw a sign for a FRENCH Restaurant and that meant COFFEE!!! REAL COFFEE! We invited ourselves to sit with a couple our age, she is Hawaiian and he is from northern California. They had just spent about four days in Zanzibar at the fairly new and fairly good AFrican music festival: Doreen and David. Within minutes, I had my notebook out taking notes; where to listen to music practice (not on weekends, unfortunately), where to eat but not where to stay. Then, Doreen mentioned that they were thinking about the wood carvers market, about which we were totally unaware. However, I asked if they would like to share a taxi there, they would, so off we set! ... read more
Story Quilt
Milk Bucket & Policeman
Maasai milk gourd

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam February 16th 2006

The Germans had been giving us very good money-saving advice, but this last advice wasn’t so good. We had planned on leaving at 6 a.m. or so and taking the TSC 6000 (Tanzanian shillings, about $6) bus from Lushoto to Dar es Salaam. However, they seemed to think that this would take 9 excruciating hours, stopping every village or so, so they had heard that it would be better to take a dalla-dallas(Toyota minivan) down the mountain to Mambo, and then get a luxury, express bus that would take only 4 hours, non-stop. So, we got to the bus area about 8:15, and it took about an hour to find enough people to fill up the dalla-dallas…I even got out and became a hawker, trying to talk people into coming with us. Everyone laughed! It took ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam February 15th 2006

St. Benedicts has the BEST beds that we have slept in for a long time, including the United States (well, probably the Peninsula in Chicago is better!) We were awakened first by the Imam’s call for prayers (Islam), then the various churches (Christian) ringing their bells and then the school started banging on pans to alert the school children, we guess. At various times between 5 a.m. and 7:15 a.m., I was so annoyed with a) paying a premium for the room and the lack of water and b) realizing that we had paid all sorts of fees for our trek today and that it didn’t include food. Plus, it wasn’t until much later that I learned that breakfast was included in our room rate. Unknowing to me, Bill doubled his Lexapro…later, when he told me, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » East » Lushoto February 14th 2006

I am reading from Granta, an English publication of new writers, of ideas. By coincidence, the last issue focuses on Africa. I want to write from the back cover of this journal: Africa is too large and diverse fore generalizations. It has fifty-four nations, five time zones, at least seven climates, more than 800 million people and, according to the latest diligent research, maybe 14 million proverbs. South Africa and Burkino Faso have as much in common as Spain and Uzbekistan. And yet people do generalize; Africa has become the continent of moral concern. So, I have read about the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda, those who will not hear will have their ears chopped off. This is not imaginary, but part of many people’s lives. I read a bit about a man whose mother ... read more
Sarah & her Garden

Africa » Tanzania » East » Lushoto February 13th 2006

Monday night in Moshi Our night was pretty good. I worked on the computer hoping to post things before we left, but Bill fell asleep with his clothes on, and I didn't have the heart to wake him. The fan was on high speed, and so I took the chance that we didn't need the mosquito net, so we were reasonably cool for the night. Bill got 9 hours and I slept for 8. We tried to carry our packs on our backs, but they are really not designed for that, but fortunately, the road was smooth enough that we could roll them along. Made the bus okay. I tried the doxycycline again, and thought that it was negatively affecting me in the bus, however, I now feel that I just have an ordinary cold. We ... read more
Bougainvillea Bush
Our Moshi Hotel

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