


I'm a bit weird at times. Except when you first meet me I'm shy. Then, slowly, I show you how crazy and load I can be. (I don't want to scare you away right when I meet you!) I want to live my life to the fullest. Every generation does something more then the last. The generation before me dreamed of going to New York or LA. Me, I'm going across seas! I'm lucky to get to do this, and I know that. However, all I want to say is that it's possible to do what ever you want to do. Just have to work and reach for those dreams.

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff December 18th 2009

Hey y'all, haha everyone laughs at the fact that I say y'all. Anyways, how is everyone? I hope well. Sorry I haven't written anything in a long while. My computer kind of broke. (Or I dropped it and broke it.) So yeah, I still don't have much to write on here. Just letting everyone know what's up. I'll be getting a computer when my wonderful family comes to visit MONDAY!!! AHH I can't wait. Best present to recieve is my family. Even better, Zach's going to stay longer and we're going to GERMANY! whoo hoo. Also, I have someone else visiting. Alyssa! Not so much visiting me, but her boyfriend's here, so I get a glimpse of her while she's visiting! hehe. OOOOO. Hopefully, I'll get to go to Russia in March! Can't believe I might ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff October 12th 2009

I was going to start off by saying I didn't know what the beach was called. However, I thought that made me seem way too lazy, so I asked my housemates. We went to PorthCawl today to the beach Rest Bay. I made everyone wait because I was still in class until 5 today. I felt bad, but I really wanted to go. Emma didn't go because she had loads of work to do, so there was enough room in the car! (Laura's car.) It took a good hour, I suppose, to get there. Which was nice because I was so tired! When we got there it was an amazing view. The sun was close to setting, which I thought was even better. I was glad we came at the time we did. I got a ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff October 4th 2009

I had my first week of classes this week! I also got a bank account, and I have money in it! I officially live in Cardiff... I guess. My first class, if I haven't already said it, is Reading Poetry. As you know the teacher makes me a bit nervous. I just feel like I'm not going to get the help I may need from her. Another thing is I don't feel that comfortable in her class. I feel as if I'm not connecting the way I should. Tomorrow, I'm going to her class, but she is to send me to the other teacher's class. IF he is on the same day! I looked up his class and all I found was he was on Tuesdays. It's at the same time as Reading/Writing Women, therefore, that's ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff September 28th 2009

OK! Here is a blog with words. Words the English people use, and words I/we use. I probably will have to add some, and if you wish to do the same comment me or something and I'll see if it's true. If it is, I'll add it to the list!!!! English Words = American Words Cheers = Thanks! Garden = Yard (back) knackered = exhausted torch = flashlight Knob = idiot Muppet = idiot as well, maybe jerk?.. I think Snog = kiss/make-out... hehe they actually say it, and it sound really weird if I say it. Status (like Stay-tus) = Status (saying the "a" like apple) I don't know if you say it the same as me but it's one my housemate Marta makes fun of me for... hehe Pants = Underwear haha me housemates ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff September 28th 2009

I started my classes today! OMGOODNESS! The teacher for Reading Poetry really freaked me out! My housemates laughed at me when I said that. However, while Laura laughed, she also knew what I was going through. Just a bit at least. I don't know why the teacher, Dr. Alice, freaked me out so bad. It might have been that she was very direct and blunt. Good thing about today though, I talked to the teacher and she asked if I would be ok with transfering to another class. Same time, different teacher. YES! I didn't show how happy I was to do that, but I really was. Oh, and she wasn't trying to be rude. Some of the other people were suppose to be in the other class, but didn't know where to go. It was ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff September 26th 2009

I have some many things to do before and during school! I need to make sure I have a note book, stupid to go in without one! I need to figure out what days my classes are, and when I can get a time table! Ugh, which reminds me I should email Phil about that! Ok, just to let you in on these classes and how they work. Basically, there is one class every week for the subject. Or there could be two classes if there is a lecture and seminar. Then you need 120 credits in a year. Some classes are one term, kind of like semesters, or they could be all year, or just to Easter. Classes can have different credits. Such as 10, 20, 40, and I believe 60 is the highest. Don't ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff September 25th 2009

SOOOO! Yep, this is about what you would expect from a bunch of new Uni. students... Going to figure out what in the world they are suppose to do for the first year at school! As an international student, we are not obligated to follow a certain path. Actually, we are encouraged to try something new. Do something you can't do at you home university, as long as it's ok... (Sometimes even when it's not ok!) I've discovered that I'm on the wrong campus. Seems this campus is for "Creative Action" and not so much "Creative Writing." Even though the ATRiuM, in Cardiff, is suppose to be the creative campus. If you didn't read the blog before this one then you are OUT OF ORDER! But I'll let you in on the whole "on this campus" ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff September 24th 2009

OK, so I've been here for almost two weeks now. It'll be two weeks tomorrow! WOW. I came over from Charlotte to Detroit to Amsterdam to Cardiff where one of my roommates, Emma, came to pick me up! Her parents were with her and they were super nice! Emma got me a little red dragon statue. The red dragon is a symbol of Wales. I'll tell you about that story later... hopefully. If I forget someone might need to remind me. Or you can look it up... We went to the house in Cathays. I got my room key, found out I had some rent issues, and then checked out the house were I met two more of my roommates, Freda and Jenny. We hung out for a bit, while I sat and waited for jet ... read more

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