Page 2 of Kim and Peter Travel Blog Posts

South America » Colombia » Taganga February 18th 2010

Went to Casa Viena and caught a minibus for Taganga, a white sand beach about 3 km past Santa Marta, with Dennis. About a four and a half hour drive through some dry, scrubby coastline, dotted with beaches and hotels here and there along the way. Arrived in Taganga about twelve thirty and went to our hotel on the hill above called Casa Technos Azules (blue roofs). Very nice place, blue and white with lots of plants, hammocks, kitchen and sitting areas. Our room is on the end of the complex so lots of good breezes and privacy, 50,000 cop ($25). It is located on top of a hill with amazing views. The only other buildings on this hill are two gated mansions so it´s very quiet and private. We have to walk down a steep ... read more
Walk from our Hotel toward Taganga Beach
Main Beach, Taganga
Fishing Boats at Taganga Beach 1

South America » Colombia » Cartagena February 17th 2010

Went to a German lady´s cafe next to Casa Viena and had great homemade bread, homemade jam, capuchinos and eggs. Talked to her for quite a while about Colombia (she´s been here for three years) and about her dog, who is due to have puppies in mid-March. She has never had a dog before (found this one one the street) and thought she would be able to keep it from becoming pregnant. That didn´t go very well. We told her the only way to keep dogs from getting pregnant is to have her fixed asap after she has her puppies. Like most second or third world countries, none of the dogs or cats here are fixed. Walked up to a historic 16th century Spanish Fortress called "Castillo de San Felipe De Barajas," about a kilometer away, ... read more
View from Convento de la Popa
View from Convento de la Popa Toward our Area
Inside Convento de la Popa 1

South America » Colombia » Cartagena February 16th 2010

Nice weather here. A bit warm if there is no breeze or you are exerting yourself. We had breakfast at an old convent named Convent of the Nuns of the Order of Saint Claire, now a beautiful Hotel named Santa Clara. Had a great breakfast in the midst of a jungle setting with waterfalls and toucans. Walked all over the city and checked out the beaches (Bocagrande,etc.) and then came back to wait for it to cool off a little. Met a 38 year old woman from Finland named Hannah staying in our hotel who has been travelling around South America by herself for over two years. She will be going back to her job in Finland in the next few weeks via Panama. We don´t meet a lot of people from Finland travelling and it ... read more
Typical Old Cartagena Street
Bocagrande Beach, Cartagena
Native Dancing, Cartagena

South America » Colombia » Cartagena February 15th 2010

Very comfortable and organized one and a half hour flight to Cartagena. Flew into the Rafael Núñez International Airport, located to the north of the city in Crespo, abput a ten minutes' drive from the old town. Very sultry and green here. The heat hits like a wall as soon as you get off the plane. Our luggage came through in record time and in good condition. Once again, airport has a taxi regulator so no hassles getting a taxi for the correct price. Better than home! Cartagena is the fifth largest urban area in Colombia (pop. 1.5 million or so), and a centre of economic activity in the Caribbean region, as well a popular tourist destination because of the beaches and history. In 1984, Cartagena's colonial walled city and fortress were designated a UNESCO World ... read more
Parque del Centario - Cartagena
Parque del Centario - Cartagena 2
Clock Tower Entrance - Cartagena

South America » Colombia » Bogota February 14th 2010

Another beautiful day. Sundays the main streets in Bogota are closed to car traffic and bicycles are everywhere. Talked to a Swedish girl at our hotel for about an hour about politics and the environment in Colombia. She majored in sustainable agriculture and will be volunteering at a sustainable farm in Colombia when she is done taking courses at a nearby university. The streets are full of activities and street fairs, swap markets, and street entertainment. People are walking or riding their bikes everywhere. Given the number of walkers, bicycles, skateboarders, etc. it's amazing that there are never any collisions. No evidence of Valentine's Day here, unlike Peru where everything comes to a stop for it. Got our picture taken by a man with a turn of the century box camera. Walked around the fairs and ... read more
Mirador Torre Colpartia
View from Mirador Colpatria
View from Mirador Colpatria 2

South America » Colombia » Bogota February 13th 2010

Had to switch hotels to the Hotel Sue Candelaria for two days as we had only reserved our room for 3 nights. We are having such a good time we have decided to stay another 2 nights and fly to Cartagena on Monday the 15th. Said goodbye to everyone at our hostel, I'm sure we will stop back to visit. Set up in Hotel Sue Candelaria, nice place, tv in room, breakfast, patios, ping pong table, etc. for $25. Went out to walk around town and go to some museums. Spent a few hours in the Museo de Oro (Gold Museum) Amazing place and incredible collection of Pre-Colombian artifacts, tons of gold, copper, silver as well as ancient clay figures and basketry. There was so much there it was almost overwhelming. Highly recommended. We then walked ... read more
Pre Colombian Gold Decoration - Museo dOro
Pre Colombian Gold Mask - Museo dOro
Fernado Botero Painting 1

South America » Colombia » Bogota February 12th 2010

Another beautiful sunny day in the 70's. Got some money from a nearby ATM and had breakfast in town. We are expecting to spend about $75 a day here on the average, including transport, lodging, etc. Went back to the lodging to pick up Bahman and go up a cable car to the top of a nearby mountain, Monserrate. We took the train up through some tunnels and great views along the way. Amazing views of Bogota and adjacent mountains with huge statues of Jesus and monasteries on top. The complex on top includes two upscale restaurants, cafeterias, a large church and a cobbled walkway with statues depicting the 14(?) stations of Christ. I'll attempt to post some photos soon. Had lunch in a beautiful restaurant built into the edge of a cliff. The views were ... read more
Top of Monserrate 2
Bahman -  Monserrate
Casa Santa Clara Restaurant

South America » Colombia » Bogota February 12th 2010

Having a great time. Spent a lot of time today talking to other people staying here. A Scottish Australian PHD and his Danish wife are looking for countries where they can work together. They´ve narrowed it down to 5 such places in the world, including Colombia. She´s on crutches from a bad landing paragliding. At least there is good inexpensive health care here. Hope I don´t have to use it. Went to lunch with Ed, an Iranian American from Dallas. Interesting guy, he is of the B'hai faith, born in Iran, lived in India from 5 years old to 15, then moved to the US to get his medical degree. He was trying to talk us into going to a B'hai meeting with him tonight but we decided to go out for a drink instead. Had ... read more
Plaza de Bolivar Bogota
Presidential Palace Bogota
Plaza de Bolivar Bogota

South America » Colombia » Bogota February 11th 2010

Up early to a beautiful, sunny day. Bogota is at 8,600 feet and the temperature is perfect, in the 70´s, although the nights require a light jacket. It always takes a little while to get used to a second or third world country. Everything seems a bit dirty and run down at first. We are in the old section of Bogota and it does give the appearance of being a bit run down. On further inspection you can see it´s actually clean, the buildings just need paint or a face lift. People do throw trash on the ground here, basically plastic. I have heard there is a movement afoot to try to change this, more street cleaners on the street, trash bins and education. Doesn´t seem to be working that well yet. Bogota is a huge, ... read more
Graffiti on Wall - Candelaria
Mercado up the Hill from our Hotel

South America » Colombia » Bogota February 10th 2010

Left on an early flight from LAX / Atlanta / Bogota. Got to LAX in plenty of time thanks to Larry. No problems with any of the flights, right on time. Getting out of Sun Valley was the only snag. Arrived in Bogota about 10:00 pm their time (Idaho time plus two hours). Got through the airport easily, pretty organized, and caught a cab. Hard to get a feel for Bogota in the dark, it´s definitely a big city. We are staying at The Cranky Croc (strange name but nice place) in the Candelaria (historic section) of the city, lots of narrow, cobbled streets and parks. Met some interesting people here last night, mostly Austrailian, British, Dutch and one Iranian American (all a lot younger than us). Starting to get the lay of the land. Off ... read more

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