Ken and Fi's Guestbook

10th February 2018

Great reading
Loved the long read with some wonderful pictures. Pity about the spelling in places Ken, but perhaps you were eating chips in a truck whilst stopped in a parking lot at the time. !!!!!! Only joking.
10th February 2018

How about a cup of tea and a good read?!
Hey Fi and Ken, we had a superb time with you and hope to see you again soon! Ken, you are an honorary Brit-you have a great sense of humour and took all the ribbing we gave you! Great blog-it made us smile so much. Hope to see you soon x
22nd January 2018

On the run!
Loved meeting you in Mazatlan and hope to catch up again with you soon! Loved the blog-it made us laugh a lot. Have a wonderful time and see you soon. Jen and Gav x
22nd January 2018

It's snowing here.......
There is even a blizzard warning out, but we haven't had any wind....I wanted Fi to know what she was missing in Pagosa....the skiing will be good......once I get past my client's court case Tuesday.....and the crown preparation at the dentist Thursday........Mazatlan looks gorgeous.......
19th January 2018

Sweet Goldie!
You could never say how she touched you, but Emily and I have some idea. It’s so tough to make a call to end your pet’s life. Just know she is still in your hearts and is your guardian angel supporting your life’s journeys! Love and peace to Goldie and you two. Jeff
18th January 2018

RIP Goldie
Hi Fi and Ken. So sorry to hear about Goldie. I never had the pleasure of meeting her but can appreciate how much joy she brought to you both. Rest in Peace Goldie. Love Hilda x
18th January 2018

So Very Sorry for this news,,Goldie she was a true cool friend , She was tough too, I remember once she has that big gash in her side and she just looked to Fi with an expression that said ,,are you going to fix this or what.
Well Sorry for you Loss, she was a true friend to you both. Hand in there
17th January 2018

Goldie Girl
Oh Ken & Fiona ... Bill just showed me your post about My Sweet Goldie Girl XOXOXOXOX I am So So So Sorry !!! After seeing the pics you posted, What an Amazing life you have given her !!!! My memories of her are The Best !!!!! I will Miss Her XOXOXOXOX I know she Loved her life !!! Going to visit her after breakfast & hearing her excited through the door ... & just loving the love we gave her XOXOXOXOXOXOX We Love & Miss You All XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
17th January 2018

Rest in Peace Goldie
Our thoughts & prayers are with you both... we're so sorry to hear about your loss of your beloved family member. My favorite memory of Goldie was when I was your house guest in San Diego & sweet Goldie being the great family guard dog, fended off a skunk for us and the aroma filled the house for the rest of the night & into the next day! I believe Ken had to shave all her hair off too!? ;) Love & miss you both... please come to NC soon for a visit!
17th January 2018

Somewhere over the rainbow bridge
My heart is heavy for you both, but gosh, what a life Goldie had. She was a lucky dog to have humans like you, and I am sure she enjoyed her life to the fullest because of you.
17th January 2018

So sorry to hear about Goldie
What a beautiful tribute to such a sweet dog! It made me cry! She was such a sweetheart! Sending love and my deepest sympathies! I just loved her!
17th January 2018

Farewell to Goldie
What a great tribute to a special dog. And her humans. The three of you are all special creatures. Farewell Goldie!
17th January 2018

RIP Goldie.
A fitting dedication to Goldie, the sweetest dog we have ever had the good fortune to get to know and love. RIP Goldie.
17th January 2018

RIP Goldie
Hi Ken and Fee, I’m so sad to read this post. I know how much you loved her. I’m glad that she was with you at the end. Lots of love and hugs to you Poof. Love, Cheryl
6th January 2018

Glad Mexico is treating you well!
I am happy that Goldie is still active, even if that means eating dead fish! Patty went to a dogsitter for my week-long silent meditation retreat from Dec. 24-Dec. 31......avoiding the Christian celebrations......but they fed us a ham dinner for Christmas, and there was a single strand of Xmas lights above the kitchen serving counter....LOL.....Next time you eat a fish taco, think of me in Pagosa drinking carrot juice......wishing I was in Mexico eating fish tacos! Safe travels and Happy New Year.
26th December 2017

Safe Travels
Hey guys, sorry you missed Santa Barbara. Would love to hear in your next post what it feels like getting ready to leave the US for an extended period. Emily and I look forward to heading to New Zealand and beyond. We are thinking Thailand, then over to Europe, bouncing around there as we must to avoid visa issues. But, counting on being there most, if not all, of the rest of 2018. Best and safe travels into Mexico. -Jeff
20th December 2017

Lovely blog
How lovely to read your blog and to see such great photos. You both look so happy and well and so rewarding for you to store such happy memories of Goldie, at this late stage in her life. She is obviously loving every minute. Long may she continue to do so. Hope to make contact around Xmas. M and F Xx
23rd December 2017

Thanks for the comment! Glad you are enjoying the photos and narrative xx
5th December 2017

I am jealous when I read your blog and see the beautiful photos!! Safe travel??
From Blog: Seeking the Sun
3rd December 2017

It's good to see you haven't lost the adventurous spirit. So many places and things to see that most people never even knew about. We envy you guys and take in these moments to live vicariously though your exploits. Have a great Christmas and keep in touch.
From Blog: Seeking the Sun
23rd December 2017

Merry Christmas
Thanks guys! Glad you are enjoying the blog and hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful Christmas ?
From Blog: Seeking the Sun
30th November 2017

Great to hear from you!
And the picture of Goldie on the Edge is just priceless.......all good in Pagosa....looking forward to hearing more of your travels......
From Blog: Seeking the Sun
23rd December 2017

Merry Christmas
Thanks Gayle! Hope you and Patty have a wonderful Christmas and New Year ?
From Blog: Seeking the Sun
23rd December 2017

Merry Christmas
Thanks Gayle! Hope you and Patty have a wonderful Christmas and New Year ?
From Blog: Seeking the Sun

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