Kaylamaurine's Guestbook

13th May 2017

Boy....am I jealous! Brings back memories of Italy, Croatia (you are going to love Dubrovnik) and Greece. Thanks for sharing your adventures, Kayla and Scott, and your photographs are stunning!! Love to both of you.....
9th March 2015

19th February 2015

I like how Scott is hanging on for dear life on the elephant and you are just so relaxed laying across him.....must be all your horse back riding days....PLUS A FEW THOUSAND POUNDS!! So glad you having the time of your life. So many adventures....LOVE YOU!!
From Blog: Ko Samui
17th February 2015

Thanks for Sharing Your Adventure
It is so much fun reading about your adventures, Kayla and Scott! A belated Happy Birthday to Scott!!!! Enjoy your accommodations and the rest of your trip! Love, Denise and Pat
18th February 2015

I am glad you are enjoying the blog! Last day here in Ko Samui. Can't wait to catch up when we get back. Love you guys!
13th February 2015

Was a little concerned when I didn't hear from you yesterday but figured you were having SO much fun. Either that or no WiFi.....then got up this morning and see Scott had put a few pictures on FB so then I felt better :) Looks like you are having a great time and love the stories....especially the monkey one! That one made me smile this morning. So glad you are having the time of your life!! Love you!!
From Blog: Phi phi islands
14th February 2015

Sorry to make you worry, but yes we are having so much fun and Wifi is very hard to come by and if we do have it, it is very spotty. Hoping that I can find a good time to facetime you while we are somewhere walking to streets so you can get a taste of what it is like here. Super crazy! Love you so much and enjoy the new blog!
From Blog: Phi phi islands
14th February 2015

Sorry to make you worry, but yes we are having so much fun and Wifi is very hard to come by and if we do have it, it is very spotty. Hoping that I can find a good time to facetime you while we are somewhere walking to streets so you can get a taste of what it is like here. Super crazy! Love you so much and enjoy the new blog!
From Blog: Phi phi islands
12th February 2015

You were able to fit in a lot in one day!! And Scott and you are totally correct, the rest of our family would NOT be able to go on such an adventure! There is no way I would be putting any of that strange food in my mouth!! I'm actually wondering if we are truly sisters for as adventurous as you are. lol. But I am glad you are having a blast! Your little badass tuk-tuk looks like it would be kind of scary to ride around in.
13th February 2015

The exchange rate is about 31 bhat-$1.
12th February 2015

Seems like your having fun!
Sounds like your flights were great. Being served a 5 and 4 course meal on the plane sounds great, along with the glasses of wine! And I literally LOL when I read that you wanted to pack up the flight attendants bring them home. If you still lived in your old apartment in Vail, they could live with your midgets!! But I have a question, was is 1400 Bhat's in US money? Because in my mind that sounds CRAZY and I would have passed out had I had to pay that for a cab!! But hopefully 1400 of that is not anywhere near $1400! Love You!!
12th February 2015

Looks amazing!!!
Wow! Kayla! It look like you are having so much fun:) beautiful pictures. Can't wait to see more. Thanks for doing this blog so we can keep up with your adventures! P.S.- It's a BOY!!!
13th February 2015

Yay it's a boy!!!!! So excited for you! Miss you guys!
12th February 2015

Looks amazing!!!
Wow! Kayla! It look like you are having so much fun:) beautiful pictures. Can't wait to see more. Thanks for doing this blog so we can keep up with your adventures! P.S.- It's a BOY!!!
12th February 2015

Kayla: Looks and sounds like you are having so much fun!! Beautiful pictures! Cant wait to see and hear more!
12th February 2015

Great photos.....looks beautiful there and like you are having a great time.....great idea the blog. Was great to Facetime with you today...I did get an email since I subscribed letting me know you had uploaded a new blog. Look forward to the next one! Have fun....love you!!

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