JoshhasgoneFrench's Guestbook

28th April 2009

Salut Joshua !
Salut joshua, En plus de la visite de tes parents en Juin, tu risques fort de nous voir aussi debarquer (Frederic, les enfants et moi ) car nous passons une semaine de vacances dans le departement de La Creuse a 1h30 je crois de Moulins ! J'espere que l on pourra organiser une journee pique-nique tous ensemble. A bientot et au plaisir de lire tes aventures europennes ! Bisous, Beatrice.
15th April 2009

Neither do I
Dear Josh, I never write to anyone, but I just had to wish you a Happy Birthday,2 days late. Miss ya!
25th February 2009

sacre auvergnats !
Salut Josh, je suis super contente de savoir que tout va mieux pour toi. Je suis desolee pour se qui s est passee avec ta premiere famille, et j'espere que les autres familles te feront apprecier pas seulement la France, mais les francais aussi. Mais tu dois savoir qu'en France on dit, que les gens habitant l'auvergne "les auvergnats" sont des gens tres durs et tres difficiles a integrer !! Je n ai pas voulut te le dire avant .... pour ne pas te "casser le moral " !!! Frederic et moi avons hate de te voir a Lena pour pouvoir discuter avec toi en francais. Les mois passent vite, tu es a la moitie de ton sejour, je crois ? Profites, profites. Au plaisir de lire tes aventures, A bientot, bisous, Beatrice.
13th February 2009

Re: Have a Great Time!
I am so excited for you. Your trip to Spain will be awesome. I'm praying for you and know that God will richly bless you. Love, Mom
From Blog: España!
22nd January 2009

Thank you
Thank you for blogging. You know how much I worry about you!! Wink, wink. Seriously, though, I do check your blog every day right after I check Philip's blog, and it does make my day to see something new from either of you! Glad things are going better for you! Love you and miss you.
10th December 2008

There's a 3:1 ratio of glasses to people in this picture. I am guessing the french make good use of toilets and dishwashers.
From Blog: Semi-Big News
9th December 2008

Re: Merry Christmas!
I am so thankful that you had a wonderful weekend. This is the answer to my many prayers. Treasure each of these events in your heart.
From Blog: Semi-Big News
2nd December 2008

I'm so glad that you were able to celebrate Francs-giving. You are such an interesting character. I am proud of you and love you very much.
From Blog: "Francs-giving"
10th November 2008

Cool tie!
Nice picture with the district governor. Tie is great! We are a little sea sick from the video. Is your camera o.k.? Love you!
From Blog: Vacation!
28th October 2008

Les photos sont une torture pour moi !!!! J ai faim ...... Please, please, don't forget to ask a recipe to the Chief , so you will cook when you will come back ! Bea.
28th October 2008

salut jojo !!
oui ... "bof " ... (je corrige la faute ) Heureuse de savoir que tu es vivant ... et surtout plein d esprit. Comment va ta comprehension du francais ??? As tu quelques amis au lycee ? Au plaisir de te lire, Bea.
From Blog: Oui...Buf.
15th October 2008

Wonderful Entry
I thoroughly enjoyed your blog entry. It is fun to hear about everyday life. I am feeling much older now. I'm glad to know that you listened to some of my advice. :) Have a great week! Love you! Mom
From Blog: Oui...Buf.
26th September 2008

Re: Congratulations!
How impressive - one month. I can tell that you are a better person because of your newly acquired knowledge. I am thrilled and can't wait to read #44.
26th September 2008

Foie gras
Congratulations Josh! You have just sampled your first delicacy. It is called Foie gras and is revered all over the know world. Now you can say "Been there, done that!"
24th September 2008

Je suis heureuse de savoir que tu apprecies la France. I truly understand why you didn't recommend the French school ... I knew them ! Do you miss the "corn fields "??! How are the French student with you, "l'americain" !? Please, racontes nous ! Beatrice.
11th September 2008

Josh, les images la mer Méditérranée paraît grande ! Vous devrez le spectacle nous quelques images de votre famille d'hôte. Comment votre français vient-il le long de ? Scott
10th September 2008

Palavas Pictures
Thank you for posting G-rated pictures. The Mediterranean Sea looks fantastic!
10th September 2008

Hello Frenchman
Josh! Glad to hear you are in a foreign country. I can't believe they are all speaking French! I assume they are ridiculing you for not knowing the language. Have you introduced them to Freedom Fries or Mr. Colbert yet? Let them know about their big brother across the Atlantic. Good luck in your diplomacy! Have fun and soak it up. Cheerio. JJ P.S. Your threat to come back holding your French skills over my head is the biggest force driving me to renew my effort to learn. P.P.S. Je non fume pas.
From Blog: A quick update.
3rd September 2008

We are all very relieved to hear that you are alive! Hope you are getting along with the new culture well.
From Blog: A quick update.
27th August 2008

Safe travels!
Au revoir mon fils!
21st August 2008

Don't let us down...
Josh, I really want to see you succeed in France. Practice the following and you will never fail: Name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake. And always think one step ahead of the French, like a carpenter...that makes stairs.
From Blog: Preface

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