Page 5 of Jjingle Travel Blog Posts

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito December 1st 2010

Hola todos ! Here I am, ecuador baby ! I left Cancun yesterday morning, flew to Houston, got angry with the immigration (the guy was soooo angry after me because I did not fill in correctly and I replied it was not clear, he was ready to let me outside US...but eventually I went through the control), flew to Quito and arrived around 10.30pm local time. As you heard so many stories about safety in Ecuaor, I decide to take an "official taxi" at the counter. 9USD. Then once in the taxi, the guy asked me 8USD. I said I won´t pay because I already did it. Started the argument: he wants to drive me back to the airport, strangely don´t understand any english or my best will in spanish. Well, I agreed to give him ... read more

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen November 29th 2010

Hello buddies. Today is/was my last day in Mexico. Tomorrow morning I will fly to Quito. Cancun-Houston, Houston-Quito. Strange journey, isn´t it ? Well, it is with eyes full of tears that I leave this wonderful country. I simply loooooooooved it ! I don´t want to leave ! I can´t really tell what I liked the most. It offers so much and I have seen so little of it ! From the (supposed) dangerous North to the Carribean-like South, I enjoy every minutes of my trip. Even without speaking spanish, I could travel all the way down with no problems. And I met funny, friendly, helpful people on my way, mexicans or europeans. This country is fantastic, you can feel a true mexican spirit. People are really proud of their roots, and they manage to combine ... read more

North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Chichén Itzá November 28th 2010

Hola amigos ! After several hours of discussion between me and myself, we, I mean I decided to go to Chichen Itza. Despite being ultra touristic, you can´t miss that when you are in Yucatan. Right, folks ? So to make sure it won´t be a bad experience, I carefully chose my travel agency to avoid the big bus over-crowded of 50+ people. I selected Infotours, 5USD more expensive that other offers, but at least it was a Minivan with 10 people only: 4 polish, 3 germans, 2 chilians and me ! It reminds me the crew of the sailing weeks in Greece.... So, departure at 7.30 for Chichen Itza. For the little story, I thought until last week it was ChicKen Itza. And I didnt understand why people couldnt understand me about it ("But you ... read more
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North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum November 26th 2010

Hola hola ! Today I am in Tulum. So, this morning I caught a minibus, called here a "collectivo" to get there. Basically it is a Toyota Hiace (again, free ad..) loaded with 15 people seated...and what you can fit in standing ! It costs 35 pesos for 60km / 45min. Similarly to Playa del CArmen, Tulum is super-hyper-ultra-mega touristic ! Looks like the Mont-St-Michel, with groups wearing a badge and the guide yelling "group AAAAA". It is very cliché, in a way it is made for americans to visit quickly. All paths are very clean, well defined, signs in english with big letters, you almost have marks on the ground to show you the best spot to take a picture, and obviously on the way to the ruins you have many souvenirs shop, the little ... read more
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North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen November 22nd 2010

On the 22nd I arrived in Playa del Carmen (or so-called "Playa"). After a nice 12h bus trip, I reached the bus station. As usual, no booking. Let´s see and find a nice place to stay over. Well, the 1st impression of "Playa" is just: "Oh sh!t, it is just awful!" Not awful in the way it is ugly (although there is nothing specially beautiful here, except the girl seating next to me in the cyber-café right now), but it is soooooooooooooo american. Everything is organized around a street, the "5th street", parallel to the sea. Long for maybe 2 to 3 km. It is just super-hyper-mega-ultra (I am out of superlative, pls help me !) touristic !. Prices are in USD, you get harrased by people asking you for tours, massages, cigars, weed, name it ... read more

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » Palenque November 21st 2010

...We got fun 'n' games We got everything you want Honey we know the names We are the people that can find Whatever you may need If you got the money Guns n ´Roses Hier je suis arrive a Palenque. En gros, le centre-ville n a aucun interet. Il faut aller a "El Panchan", sur la route des ruines, qui est un centre d hebergement situe en pleine jungle. C est la que tout se passe: Cabañas, resto anime, voyageurs de tout bord (du groupe d anglais qui s etonne qu il n y ait pas de fish&chips aux plus roots qui se balladent en tongs, sans oublier les guides dignes d Indiana Jones et les pseudo archeologues. Totalement hallucinant !!) Donc ici en pleine jungle, cette region du Chiapas est la plus humide du pays, ... read more
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North America » Mexico » Chiapas » San Cristobal de las Casas November 19th 2010

Ola todos ! Aujourd´hui je suis a Cristobal de las Casas. En fair depuis hier. Je suis arrive vers 7h du matin, apres 12h de bus. Un voyage plutot sympathique, mene tambour battant par le chauffeur (un familier de Fangio je pense) sur des routes de qualite mediocre. Enfin j ai pu dormir par intermittance. C est surtout que les medocs ont fait effet, et je me sens beaucoup mieux. San Cristobasl est tout simplement magique. Ville carrefour des civilisations du Chiapas, elle attire a la fois toute une foule de voyageurs de tout pays et des locaux des collines avoisinantes. C est une ville tres boheme, ou le temps s est arrete. Niche entre les collines boisees et brumeuses, faite de rues perpendiculaires aux maisons basses aux couleurs chatoyantes (je m entraine pour le goncourt), ... read more
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North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca » Monte Albon November 17th 2010

Situe a environ 6km de Oaxaca sur une colline, le site de Monte-Alban est une vraie merveille. Tres bien preserve et/ou restaure, c est une bonheur a visiter. J ai fait la visite en compagnie de Lorana, une guide locale qui m a fourni une multitude d info, mais je n ai pas le courage de tout vous transmettre ici. Sachez juste que Monte-Alban a ete utilise a travers les 5 grandes phases de l empire maya, soit environ de 300 ac JC a 1300 ap JC.... read more
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North America November 15th 2010

Vous aurez reconnu derriere ce detournement de titre le fameux succes d Annie Cordy. Mais pourquoi ? Non parce que la Belgique me manque a ce point que je sollicite la memoire de ses plus eminents sujets, mais parce que OAXACA a pour specialite, entre autre, le chocolat. Apres un reveil plutot difficile a 4h30, je prends le bus pour Mexico, Terminal Norte, puis un taxi pour l aeroport d ou je vais prendre l avion pour Oaxaca. Un mal au bide insoutenable m accompagne, et c est donc avec determination que je me decide a appeler Aurelien pour ses genereux conseils. Je vous grace des details, de ma nouvelle amitie profonde avec le Jacob Delafon local, et de ma capacite a battre Misou Mizou. Bref, j arrive a Oaxaca, oblige a prendre un taxi local ... read more
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North America » Mexico » Guanajuato » Guanajuato November 15th 2010

Ola todos ! Vendredi soir je suis arive a Guanajuato. Pour commencer, je vous recommande de booker un hotel si vous allez la-bas pour le we. Je n ai pas reserve, et bien sur tout etait complet. Apres avoir tourne plus de 2h dans la ville, fait le tour des auberges, et des hotels hors de prix, j ai fini par trouver un endroit (Posada de la Condesa)qui, bizarrement, avait de la place. J ai vite compris prq. Un vrai taudis. Genre a utiliser dans un film pour simuler une garde-a-vue dans un commissariat glauque du 19e. Je ne vous decris pas si vous lisez ca de bon matin ou avant le repas. Bref, je suis reste 2 nuits jusqu a trouver autre chose today (Casa Bertha), bcp mieux et...2 fois moins cher !! (On parle ... read more
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