J J's Guestbook

13th September 2013
Halifax Harbor

This Picture
I think the fog/rain really adds to this photograph.
13th September 2013
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

Do they speak mostly French or English in Nova Scotia?
13th September 2013
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

French or English
English. But we see lots of signs and ads in both.
13th September 2013

i guess you can see why Bob must have taken more than 100 pictures in Peggy's Cove. We spent the major part of a day there. 'Course we were there for a full week. It was this same time of the year. I had nothing but seafood every day and what a treat. I love your blog today. Brings back some wonderful memories. Thanks. Lois
13th September 2013

Nova Scotia
Yes, we are allowing at least a week for Nova Scotia, so much to do and see here.
13th September 2013

We are jealous. What a wonderful trip and photography to match--but, no mention of your sore back or did you have a quick and miraculous recovery?
13th September 2013

My back
No miraculous recovery for me. My back still hurts but am able to walk with no problem. I'm a little slow getting in and out of the car, lifting things hurts. Hate this, hope I don't have long lasting problems from this.
13th September 2013

I love the colorful houses- not sure what I expected, they look like wooden blocks stacked on each other. By the way, I found a web site and ordered a lobster buoy birdhouse for Tere's birthday- he loved it, and is now trying to decide which tree at Dana's house will be adorned with it. I didn't realize how big a buoy is-
13th September 2013

Bay of Fundy
Dear Judy, Hope you are feeling better and your back gets better each day. Sorry to hear you got hurt but just take it easy and do what doesn't hurt and a little personal physical therapy will do wonders. Having just been going through my knee surgery has made me realize I am not invincible either!! Time will heal it, though it may take longer than you think. Hang in there!! I like the idea of Joe massaging you, too. J&D
13th September 2013

Fundy Day
Thanks, Judy and Joe for the great commentary and pics. You are seeing so much and keeping us informed on places we may never make it to in our life. This blogging thing is great and so much fun for us.....we are arguing over who gets to use the camera and we never used to bother to even take pictures after the first 30 years or so!!!! Ours has a long way to go!
From Blog: Fun Day at Fundy
12th September 2013
Haystack near Grand Pre

Ye Olde Back
Delighted to hear your back injury is doing better.
12th September 2013
Digby Scallops

Those scallops are so beautiful, it makes me hungry and I've already had my dinner. You can tell I'm a seafood nut!
12th September 2013

You are seeing...
why I loved Nova Scotia so much. Little towns, friendly people, great history, good sea food, etc., etc. You back sounds a bit like when I slipped a disc. I could stand up and walk comfortably, but sitting was miserable. I did it in Colorado and had to ride all the way back to Georgia. Riding is terrible for it and our car seats did not lay down. Take car of it!!! It does go back in place. I used to swim it back in place....30 minutes of laps for two weeks 5 days a week did the trick. Good luck and enjoy the beauty, Love, Lois
11th September 2013

Back Pain!
If you can see a local chiropractor your problems could be over? I'm a professional Degenerative Disc Disease Chick since my 20s so know a lot of remedies...talking to the nurse was wise, but hurry this up; Joe could also massage area; also lay on floor on back & stretch Slowly- knees up together then
11th September 2013

My sore back
Thanks for the tip, I don't believe in chiropractors though. The science just isn't there. But I do know a lot of people that go to them and are happy. I was injured and I think it will just take time to heal. It hurts to be massaged, so will hold off on that. Never had a back ache before in my life, so I sure can empathize with you. It's no fun at all.
11th September 2013

2013, the year of the Raft Rides
I watched the video and I'm feeling a bit nauseous and jostled myself. You are such a tiny person it is a wonder those waves didn't totally toss you out! Feel better very soon, my friend.
11th September 2013

Oh no- I hope you are fine soon, and are able to enjoy the rest of your trip.
11th September 2013
Prince Edward Island

Movies, books...
Yes, I do love seeing those places. On of the thrills of my life was walking on the China Wall.
From Blog: Fun Day at Fundy
11th September 2013

Good grief, Judy.
What a way to have a long awaited experience create havoc. So sorry to hear it. Hate to tell you it does get worse. The age thing. When we were adrift in S. China Sea two days I was fine. Two nights in Malaysia I was fine. We got to Singapore and the fourth day I woke up, got up to go to the bathroom and my back hit a nerve, and my legs literally gave out from under me. Bob went to a drug store in the five star hotel and found a GREAT back brace. Not my size. He had to get a cab and go to one of their stores 10 blocks away, but it did a great job of allowing me to move around and up and down some. I used a wheel chair the next two days with him pushing me around the hotel. If I had not had the back brace I could not have flown home without some strong sedative, I can tell you. So disappointing and disgusting. I cannot even tell you why it happened. I have since they have lapriscopic surgery on my spinal stenosis and it has been like a miracle. Had right knee drained of a half cup of fluid and cortisone shot after spending an entire day walking all over Seaworld with our grandson, Matt. Knock on wood both parts are functioning well right now. What is next? As they say, getting old is not for sissies. Disgusting. Very hard to give in and recognize we are no long spring chickens....and I am 80 now. I surely hope you find you can get over this quickly. Sleep with a pillow under your knees if you sleep on your back, between your knees if you sleep on your side. DO NOT SLEEP ON YOUR STOMACH. I dealt with a ruptured disc for 9 months when I was 45 and finally had a laminectomy. It was truly a miracle for me. Until I got the spinal stenosis. Hang in there. Hot pads can help. Don, Dave and I have all had to have back surgery. Dad had a terrible time with his back. Take care. Hope it gets better quickly. Love..
11th September 2013

Thanks for the sleeping info and kind thoughts. I do feel better this morning, but still not great. It feels the best when I am walking, the worst sitting. The car seat tilts all the way back so I can stretch out in the car if necessary.
11th September 2013

Funday on Fundy?
Hope you're OK. Looks like a wild ride. Since we're so much older than you, its probably good we didn't join you--at least on that part of the trip. F&G
11th September 2013

Best Wishes for rapid healing. Even at 35 I think this would be a rough ride.
10th September 2013
Prince Edward Island

Great pictures
WE went through the house, and yes! They make a big deal about Anne of Green Gables. Told you we met Tammy and her twin sister Kathy and their mother (and one of their sorority sisters) there and had lunch with them near that house. They had come primarily to see the "Anne" country since it had been a favorite when they were growing up. Turns out the Japanese included this story in their curriculum and the place is often over run with Japanese. Loved the Bay of Fundy, too. I think we spent most of the day there watching from one place and then another. NO rafting for us, though. That should be fun. I guess Nova Scotia will be next? There is a Morrison cafe on the northern most part of N.S. we ate in. Chatted with the owners, second generation Scottish. You know Grandpa Steeples had Morrisons in his background so that was sort of fun. I would love to go back to N.S. We were there a week and could have done two. Love your blog.
From Blog: Fun Day at Fundy
11th September 2013
Prince Edward Island

Anne country
Joe had never heard of the book(s). I had seen the PBS series a couple of times on TV, but now I think I'm going to see if it's on Netflix. Don't you love reading books and seeing movies about places you've been?
From Blog: Fun Day at Fundy
10th September 2013

Wow. The tides are amazing; I've read about them, but the videos put everything in perspective- thanks! Can't wait to hear about your adventure today (Tuesday). We have red and gray foxes here; they use the greenbelts as highways- and I appreciate their dining on the squirrels and pigeons.
From Blog: Fun Day at Fundy

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