J J's Guestbook

27th September 2013
Cape Cod National Seashore

Cape Cod Beaches
Like you, I was surprised when I arrived there and all the towns had their own beaches on the ocean side, the Cape Cod Bay side, and the ponds with swimming beaches within their borders. One of the reasons for the Seashore legislation was to make some beaches open to visitor which the NPS did, but not without some fights. Usually in the winter, the towns don't patrol the beaches, but since the summer "season" in most of our parks has become much longer, and many more travelers, I bet the local town police are giving out tickets. Interesting place to live!
27th September 2013
Cape Cod National Seashore

Salt Pond
I lived out at the end of this pond and around the corner to the left. The pond connects to the ocean, hence the name.
27th September 2013

Your filmmaking venture progresses.
I can see it now. New series on youtube called Travel The Wild Places with Joe and Judy! Make the clips a little longer and we'll edit them together....
27th September 2013

It seems the internet is so slow in these hotels that it takes forever to upload the clips. I just give up unless it's fast. Thanks for the nice comment.
27th September 2013

Do you know??
We have spent two weeks in Cape Cod, both in October and never went to Hyannis Port! We were in a time share away from all the traffic, but surely agree it is awful there. If you want to leave the island never go during 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. They simply do not have a good plan for dealing with the all the tourists. We did take a ferry over to Nantucket both times. Bob's blood father's (Bob Barnard) family was on of eight families who settled there are original families. All Quakers. Got some great information even to where their house was on an old map. I won't go it to it but we bought a book telling about them from the book store, etc. Lovely island, but terribly expensive. We could not pay $450 a night to stay there. Just took the ferry early and stayed late to take it back. Good restaurants and nice historic makers, etc. Bob's great, great (don't know how many greats) grandfather was a whaler!!! People who were at the timeshare were friendly, but it is not a place we would have gone back to if we had not wanted to know more about the Barnards.
26th September 2013
Grand Manan Island

Since you mentioned this nicely built young man, I thought sure you would have a good picture of him.
I guess standing over the traps is the best we get. WE never made it to this Island. Looks like a great place to include in a trip up there.
26th September 2013

LL Bean
We got to the LL Bean store one morning about 6:30 am probably about 30 years ago. We remarked on the empty parking lots on both sides of the road as we drove into Freeport, all saying "Parking for LL Bean". We parked right by the front entrance and went in. Well about 4 hours later when we came out, there were cars parked as far as the eye could see!
26th September 2013

I wonder if the Bush's might want to do a house swap with us!!
26th September 2013

Bush Compound
House swap? Sure. If the Bush's won't, we will.
26th September 2013

Bush Compound
House swap? Sure. If the Bush's won't, we will.
26th September 2013

Joe looks like has lost weight on this trip. How can that be when a significant part of your trip is spent eating? Our memory of lobster rolls has been revived. We are jealous. Loved your pictures Judy. You have "the gift." Tonight, two feet of snow is predicted for the mountains. Winter is here. Travel safe. B&C
26th September 2013

Thinking of you.
Tonight we thought of you guys, Joe bought a bottle of Ruca Malen syrah for us to drink while watching the ocean. That was the bodega in Mendoza where we had the fancy lunch with about 45 wine glasses on the table. We even dressed up a bit to go there. So we drank to Carol and Bob!
26th September 2013

Gorgeous pictures! However... lures and sinkers on the power lines?! I'm sure there's an explanation-
26th September 2013

The power lines were very close to the shore where fishermen cast their lines. There were lures and sinkers all over the power lines.
26th September 2013

The one time I bought periwinkles, at a seafood market in NY, as I cooked them they smelled of urine and didn't taste any better. Never knew whether that is typical. Kidney dishes are not to my liking either. The dulse sounds to me like the best choice!
26th September 2013

I'd never even heard of periwinkles until this trip. Glad we didn't buy any and try to cook them. We met a very nice couple from Kansas City today. They had been to Cape Cod. I think we are going there tomorrow.
26th September 2013

Us, too.
We did the Freeport thing, L L Bean, included. I could have spent more time there, but Bob was anxious to move on. We did not do the "Bush thing", thought I would like to have. I have a friend who just moved there last June. She and her husband spent summers up there after retiring and he died two years ago. She said her cottage there is a smaller place and she has so many friends she felt she needed to go there. We are wondering if she will endure the cold winter there. She is so used to Florida for 9 months out of the year. We had great seafood all over New England. Only problem Bob got some clam chowder that made him sick for 24 hours. Love the colors as they develop. Such a great time you have chosen to be there. Love your commentary. Love, Lois
26th September 2013

We were in Freeport for about 90 minutes, would have been fun to spend longer there. There's so much else to see that I felt guilting shopping.
25th September 2013

Nice mussel
I had to enlarge the photo to see Joe's Mussel. We had mussels for dinner last night but I bet they couldn't compare with the lobster rolls.
23rd September 2013
Deck on the Atlantic Vision

Nice! I'm always like photos of trails, ladders, steps, and walkways as they lead the mind out to what might be at the end.
23rd September 2013
Deck on the Atlantic Vision

I agree about walkways. When I see photos that people have taken from their Grand Canyon hike, I usually see wide scenery shots, when the trail itself is just as interesting.
23rd September 2013

The Alexander Graham Bell site is familiar. We, too, found a tinge of color beginning to show fall's colors. Unfortunately, we were not there for the height of color, but enough to enjoy. Lois
23rd September 2013

Once again....
You make me wish I could be there to accompany you on this great trip. Am enjoying each daily log and look forward to the next. Thanks. Lois
23rd September 2013

Lois, So nice of you to take the time to read my blog and to make so many nice comments. I wish you were with us, too. We have 13 days left for this trip and I'm already feeling like it's almost over. Probably because we'll most likely leave Canada tomorrow.

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