HornSbyandtheSJs' Guestbook

16th May 2015

Same jeans on
I've had thesane jeans on for 4 days now haha that Sony always reminds me of u. At hotel in Marbella - food crap, don't worry I won't bring u here ! A few people hadn't brushed their hair at breakfast - thought of u for some reason haha u and your quirks make mr laugh. Looking forward to seeing u next month x x x
21st March 2015

Under skin
Your mother getting under your skin had had me laughing for ages. Molly brown would have been dollied day 2! U were v patient I think. Bet it's nice to be back. Still raining here!! X x
12th March 2015

Hi Em, sounds like you are having an eventful journey,especially with noisy Molly Browns snoring. No doubt when you get home you will catch up. grandma did warn you it was a muck hole.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday and itwon't be long before you are catching up with old friends from previous trips, and you and Daryl will enjoy the next.one. Love for now Grandma and terry. see you soon.
12th March 2015

not long now emma just think of that lovely clean bed and no snoring. you will sleep for England take care xxxx
12th March 2015

Eeeeeeemmmmmmssssiiiieeee ! I would have flashed big time at that Molly bird u've been very tolerant. She's be been one if those bodies floating in the bloody river if I'd been there!! Haha.
12th March 2015

Eeeeeeemmmmmmssssiiiieeee ! I would have flashed big time at that Molly bird u've been very tolerant. She's be been one if those bodies floating in the bloody river if I'd been there!! Haha.
11th March 2015

Fab travel blog
Loving you blog Em, I've just read the whole of your visit so far & it's facinating. You write so well, I'm really enjoying reading this one as I have with every trip you've been on so far, your a brilliant blogger. Hope your ok, stay safe & see you soon. Can't wait for the next update xxx
9th March 2015

whats cooking
looking forward to the meal you can now cook for us with your new found skills!!! take care chuck mum xxxxxxx
9th March 2015

T shirt
Eye masks r crap u need a t-shirt in your head it blocks out all the light haha. Sent u a couple of Facebook messages not sure if u've had them. Don't think I'd like India I wouldn't be able to wash my greasy hair every day!! We're in Fuengirola for a long weekend, going to a chocolate factory today if the sat nav will will find it..... U know vsiley and his chocolate addiction he is v excited x x
25th September 2014

Loved this blog
Awsome blog em, you describe everything so well I feel like I've been there myself!!! Glad you had a fab time, see you soon xx
25th September 2014

Glad to here your home safe and sound. Looks and sounds like an amazing holiday. Going to miss your blogs. See you soon xx
15th September 2014
Our Chinese?!

Belated Birthday greeting to Darrell glad you had a good day, your whole holiday seems to be fabulous, hope your second week is equally as enjoyable what super memories you will both have, make the most of them. Just to let you know Grandma had her injections in her back today, so we keep our fingers crossed it will do some good. Love to you both all the best.
From Blog: Hiking Halekala
15th September 2014

Happy belated birthday message
Happy belated birthday message Daz, what a way to spend your birthday. Loving Emma's blog it's fab, looks like your having a lovely time, enjoy the rest of your holidays catch up with you both soon xxx
12th September 2014

What a fab hol
Happy Birthday Linebacker
12th September 2014

Loving the blog and pictures. X
11th September 2014

glad all is going well now.
Hi Em and Darrell glad you are now reunited with your luggage and able to get into clean clothes (p.s. don't forget to claim on your insurance) The scenery looks fantastic and you are thoroughly enjoying yourselves now you have caught up with your sleep. Carry on having a good time take plenty of photos and posting them for us to view. Lots of love.
From Blog: Hana Highway
11th January 2014

Nz blog
Hi Em I just wanting to say I've really enjoyed reading your blog, as usual it's great to hear the stories of what you ve been up to your comical yet informative way, you should think about being a travel reporter when the RAF turf you out, looking forward to your next one xx
5th January 2014

I am only just opening these now and I am enjoying but I can't open them in order, so I am completely CONFUSED....NOTHING NEW THERE THEN !!!!!
1st January 2014

Happy New Year Everyone!! Hope you enjoyed your New Year Celebrations? Brilliant write up covering your last few days before the Christmas festivities began. Some lovely photos too. The days are running away from you now :0( Bet you wish you could go back to Day 1 and start all over again? Enjoy your last couple of days and as always, take care, stay safe and look after each other :0) With love from a very rainy Wales xXx
1st January 2014

NZ Blog
Hi Emma Enjoying reading your travel blog and looking forward to seeing your photos sometime. Still raining in Salisbury! Love Jan xx
29th December 2013

Emma's perfect house
Mmmm Emma wondered - I wonder how much one of these goes for ?
27th December 2013

Hi Em and Daryl, just a quick chance to say hi, and glad that you are enjoying what must be the holiday of a life time, enjoying your blogs. Thanks for Chrissy presents. Carry on enjoying yourselves. See you next year. Love Terry and Grandma
26th December 2013

So enjoying reading your blogs and seeing your fab photos Em :0) Poor Ruebs!! Good job he's a lil toughie. You've obviously enjoyed your Christmas celebrations & after a Skype call with Lauz n Rhyd on Boxing Day, it seemed like Rhyd was still celebrating! Hope the rugby match went well with a positive result for Wales? Enjoy the run up to the New Year. What a fab place to spend it. Take care, stay safe & look after each other. With love from sunny Wales!!! xXx PS Buckley says 'Shwmae' x
21st December 2013

Sound like you are having a fantastic time. just about to go to Asda in the rain!!!for last bits will be in touch and have a drink for me too!! lots of love mum xxxx
21st December 2013

hi emm sorry not been in touch my computer has finally packed up so on terrys. What fantastic piks and hols. Glad all is going well can\'t wait to hear it all first hand. could we skype christmas day? if so when if not will ring. have a fantastic christmas. love to all. mum
From Blog: Pancake Rocks

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