


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Nanaimo October 12th 2015

We spent a lovely day viewing our front yard on the water. I made the stuffing using a special honey that was produced on the UBC farm in Vancouver and provided to me by one of my customers. A very special honey with a very special flavour. We then sat to table with Scott and Catherine before they drove off with the Vibe. One fewer cars is good for us and one more car for a dad and daughter road trip is good for them! Meanwhile, we look back on the year. I'm very thankful for the many blessings I have received this year.... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Nanaimo July 4th 2015

We drove out of Hope at 9am - a civilized hour in my humble opinion, as compared to a few of the very early starts on the prairies. The toughest part of getting ready turned out to be kitty cat. She just would not be coaxed into her carrier anymore. In the end, we had to angle the carrier so that the opening was steep enough that she could not easily climb out before we quickly closed the cage door on her. Then off into the car. Once in the car and driving, she would not come out of the carrier at all. I think she was trying to punish us for this incessant driving lifestyle. As we drove past Chilliwack (photo 1), I was instantly transported to the late 1970's and their hits, Never the ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Hope July 3rd 2015

From Kamloops we took the scenic route instead of the Coquihalla. The Coquihalla is famous for shortening the driving time between Kamloops and Vancouver by one hour. It is also, apparently, a favourite spot for SUVs to burst into flames, ruining other people's holidays and starting forest fires. So we chose to drive the two-lane undivided highway 5A, behind some rather largish trucks going 30km/hr on the downhill. Quite pissing me off actually. One of the trucks had a load of six massive tires (each tire 1.1 lanes wide). These tires must have come from one of those oil sands vehicles, they were that big. The tires were piled in such a way that you had to be committed to passing before you could find out if there was traffic in the opposing lane. Risky passing, ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Kamloops July 3rd 2015

West of Hinton, we drove into the Alberta potion of the Rockies (photos 1 and 2). I love Alberta, make no mistake. I have lived nine of my years there. I find these Alberta mountains to be the most beautiful of all the mountains that I have ever seen. Shortly before crossing into BC, we saw this Elk (photo 3). If my hunting skills are anything like my photography, perhaps I should not get a licence this year! This marks the fourth large mammal on this trip (Moose in N. Ont, bear and two elk in AB). The cat was very interested in something outside (photo 4). I suspect she found wildlife of particular interest to her (photo 5), but I have no proof to back up this claim. After five hours, we finally made it ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Hope July 3rd 2015

We are safe. As we were nearing the end of today's travel, we noticed smoke in the distance, presuming it to be a forest fire. As we passed, it was a car on fire on the opposite side of the Coquihalla. Check out Global News: We are in the hotel and resting after a long drive. More updates later.... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Hinton July 2nd 2015

From the title, you should be able to figure out that our patience is growing thin. We really like this country. It's very beautiful, quite diverse, and the people are for the most part friendly (except when they are driving in cities). We also feel this country is a bit wide in the middle. Unfortunately, laying off the honey or doing stoutness exercises may have worked for Winnie-the-Pooh, but I believe it won't work for Canada. Just to prove to you that Saskatchewan is not all flat, please see exhibit 1. This photo shows one side of a hill near the western edge of the province. Do you notice the downward slope from left to right? Also, the road began to have bends. The U-shaped valleys become more pronounced. (Thanks to Mr. Hincks, grade 9 geography ... read more
02_AB-SK Border

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Saskatoon July 2nd 2015

Here are the photos from our Winnipeg to Saskatoon portion. It's an important part of every Canadian's education to see these provinces! While just 30 minutes into our trip out of Winnipeg, waiting for a construction stoppage to clear, a train passed by (photo 1). A long train. Three miles long. Do you know how long it takes for a three-mile long train to pass you when you're stopped for construction? Well, it actually takes forever! After we diverted north on the Yellowhead, we noticed that the farms were separated by these unusual trees (photo 2). Previously, I've seen hedges, shrubs, dead tree limbs, and the occasional piles of detritus, but these trees have a remarkable interest to them - as if they are saying, "Go ahead and plant your soup peas, Mr. Farmer. I'm still ... read more

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Saskatoon July 1st 2015

As grey traces of dawn tint the eastern sky, three travellers - a man, a woman, and a cat - emerge from the forest shadow. Fjording the rivers Red and multiple times the river Assiniboine, they turn north, journeying into the dark and forbidding lands of the Notleys. Even now the intensity of her power can be felt: weakening the oil price and saddening the pocketbook. If they cannot pass through this barren wasteland, they will become empty, mindless specters, stripped of will and soul. The journey to Saskatoon was uneventful. The scenery looks better in real life compared to photographs. Come out this way and discover it for yourself! Gerry doesn't see it as acutely as I do. I think Saskatchewan is a beautiful place, though I was frequently velocitized and made the most impressive ... read more

North America » Canada » Manitoba » Winnipeg June 30th 2015

One hour into the day 6 drive we reached central time, and ended up at the same time that we started out at! We crossed the continental divide just north of Thunder Bay. People don't often think of it that way, and in fact, the sign only meekly described it as, “Arctic Watershed”. From here on in to the BC-Alberta border, all the water flows north to the Arctic and splits our continent into the southern and northern pieces. Landscape changed again, from frequent turns and elevation changes, to straighter stretches of road with fewer hills. The forests continue, with occasional grassy patches, suggesting the Shield is loosening its grip on the terrain. Lakes and meadows appear more frequently than before. Near Dryden, the landscape appeared different from back in 1986 (photo 1). I was hoping ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Thunder Bay June 29th 2015

Look up. Way up. As if the Friendly Giant was our guide, we took the road into the highlands north of Lake Superior. Paraphrasing the Arrogant Worms, we saw rocks, and trees, and water. And then some more! I saw a few place names that I haven't thought of since my last time through this way in 2004: Batchawana Bay (B'wana Clyde Batty to some of us), Michipicoten (Michicopiten to the spelling-challenged), Obatanga (not to be confused with the Okavango in Botswana), and White River (minus 72? Really?). The most wonderful sunset I've ever seen was at Lake Superior Provincial Park, camping and playing Crazy Eights with my kid sister in 1986 - 29 years ago. Cat was becoming bored, so I tried to get her to smile for a selfie (photo 1). No such luck. ... read more

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