Page 12 of Ever Onward Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Namibia May 7th 2010

Another late morning! Breakfast was served at 08h00, giving us time to take our bags to the truck in time to leave by 09h00. We were ready by 08h45 but as our first stop was a seal colony, we couldn't arrive early. The day was dawned so differently to the previous day. The sky was blue and there was no wind. It was even warm! This must have been one of the 35 days in the year when the weather was perfect! We took our seats on the bus and headed northwards, out of town, on the C34. Being a C road, it was simply sand. We drove through the desert with little to differentiate the beach and the desert, passed an airfield and a small town, until we eventually arrived at Cape Cross, the largest ... read more
Cape Cross
Cape Cross
Ruddy Turnstone

Africa » Namibia » Walvis Bay May 6th 2010

Today was a day of rest. As such, I slept in until 07h00, washed, dressed and headed off for breakfast. Whilst there were some other tourists in the room, I was the only one from our group. Taking coffee, bacon and eggs, I dined slowly ensuring that I finished at 08h00, the time at which my free day would start. Pieter arrived exactly on schedule. We shook hands and he let me to his car. Five minutes later, we were at another hotel where he collected six Germans. It appeared that I was going to spend my entire time in Southern Africa having to speak anything but English! Swakopmund was cold when we set off across the desert road to Walvis Bay. The entire journey was shrouded in mist, which is not uncommon in an area ... read more
Walvis Bay: Our Boat
Walvis Bay
Cape Cormorant

Africa » Namibia May 5th 2010

Last night, we dined under the stars, drinking a very expensive bottle of wine purchased in Morgenhof. My French has improved a great deal and the group has now split into two - the French speaking and Andrea, who has made very little effort to join in preferring to pitch her tent away from the rest of us, preferring to sit away from us for meals and wandering off on her own when we're doing things together. Surprisingly, my best buddy is the French guide; both he and I have an interest in photography and we're always the last to return from a trip as we're too busy behind the lens. With the sky so clear, the Milky Way was (again) very visible and I was delighted to be included in a (French) conversation regarding the ... read more
Solitaire: Not much Rain!

Africa » Namibia » Sossusvlei May 4th 2010

Today was the day I've been waiting for. Four weeks of travelling around southern Africa and finally I'm at the place I've dreamt of most of all. We were woken at 04h00 this morning and gathered around the light for an early morning coffee and rusk. At 05h15, we were already in the bus and heading for the gate to Sossusvlei. So efficient were we that we were first in the queue. It was a 45km drive down to Dune 45. This was purely coincidental as the dunes are numbered sequentially from 1 to 69, anticlockwise. Because of the weather patterns, the dunes themselves do not move, hence, a numbering system is possible. After waiting for roughly 15 minutes, the gates opened and we were permitted through. In the pre-dawn light, we headed west and about ... read more
Dune 45: They'd missed the sunrise!
Dune 45: Other's were also waiting
Dune 45: Part 2 of 3 - it was a difficult climb!

Africa » Namibia » Sossusvlei May 3rd 2010

During our meal last night, three Black-Backed Jackals came into camp obviously interested in our food. Later in the night, whilst we were all tucked up in our tents, they came back, this time as a choir and serenaded us! At 05h30, it was time to get up. The sun wasn't yet in the sky but it was beginning to get light as we went to wash. Once dressed, I loaded all my bags on the bus and lowered the tent before getting breakfast. Once sated, I packed the tent into its little bag and loaded it on the bus. By 06h40, twenty minutes early, we were leaving the camp site! Early morning in the desert is still cool and we passed Springbok, Kudu and Ostrich in the early morning sun. Unfortunately, last night's rain had ... read more
Bethanie: One of the Many Churches
On the Main Road!
The town consists of a petrol station, shop and hotel - all have been in the same family since 1906!

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon May 2nd 2010

Last night, David, the French Guide and myself, sat beside the Orange River until 00h30 talking (and drinking beer). Fortunately, we didn't need to be up until 08h00, but even so, most of us were up by 07h30. Although my phone had developed a fault and none of the buttons worked, I managed to charge it so that I'd at least know what time it was. After a late breakfast, David disappeared back to the border in the hope that his work permit had finally come through and, in the meantime, the French Guide and myself, patrolled the camp site trying to take photographs of the birds. We were trying to capture a picture of the Orange River White Eye but these little yellow birds seemed to have too much energy and didn't stay in one ... read more
Laughing Dove
Orange River White Eye
Ai-Ais: Hot Water Springs first discovered by the San over 10,000 years ago

Africa » Namibia » Fish River Canyon May 1st 2010

Last night we were camping again. It was really good to be back in the tent and, as we'd camped on sand in the Cedarberg mountains, the night was cool, but not cold. At 05h30, Maxwell walked through camp waking everyone up. There were moans of disapproval from the French camp but generally, everyone was awake. Up and out for a shower and then back to the tent to start packing the bags. By this time, there was usually enough light to make do without the torch however, here, in the mountains, it was still dark. The sun had not managed to get above the peaks. Once packed, I lowered the tent and went off for breakfast. This was the first morning camping for all and our guide was intending to teach the others how to ... read more
Moth - but we don't know which one
The Road to Namibia
21st Century Communications

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape April 30th 2010

Awake at 07h30, breakfast at 08h00, packed by 08h45 and waiting for the Big Red Bus. At precisely 09h00, to the second, it arrived. Clearly the discussion on punctuality had been taken in! Loading my bags into the van, the French guide closed the doors and we set off into the rush hour traffic. Progress around Cape Town was slow and soon we found ourselves in the industrial part of the city, passing stacked boxes in the container port. With the bus now full, even by 09h15, it was beginning to feel warm. Continuing to the outskirts, we passed numerous unfinished building projects that, with only 40 days to go to the World Cup would probably remain unfinished. Eventually we joined the N7 and headed north, following the Atlantic coast towards Namibia. The city gave way ... read more
In the valley, oranges are grown
Cedarberg: an oasis in the mountains
Few of the cedars remain but these dominate my tent

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town April 29th 2010

This morning, a new tour group arrived. 09h00 precisely, I went out to the Big Red Bus and was met by 7 non-English speaking French people and a German, living in the US. This was going to be an exciting trip! The rest of the day followed the same programme as Day 19 with the exception that we went from the Cape directly into Cape Town, so that the new group could do some shopping. Later in the evening, we were to get a taxi and go for a meal on the water front. Come 19h00, the two guides and myself found ourselves waiting with two taxis; there was no sign of the others. Maxwell went around to the B&B and attempted to get a response - nothing. We waited some more and, half an hour ... read more
Cape Point - on a good day!
Several days ago, Cape Point was a sea of fog
Looking towards the Cape of Good Hope

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town April 28th 2010

Today was a day of rest - please enjoy the photos!... read more
Lion Head
V&A Waterfront

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