ElyseandPete's Guestbook

7th April 2012

\"I used quotations because I’m 99% sure that these are not real monks. \" but it\'s true, a lot of monks are professional monks, that means being a monk is their job. just like ordinary 9-5 working class people. after work, they just hang up their monk\'s cloth, and go out eating, drinking, dating. no kidding, some monks have wife and child. (that\'s not allowed in this part of the world, except in Japan). of course, some old monks are real, but not those young professional monks (just for the salary, and if they got good pay, they will become a bartender overnight)
7th April 2012

We did enjoy the photos...
and are glad that you stuck close to home as you near the end of your timein China.
7th April 2012

tomb sweeping
very interesting about their tradition. The plants/crops? grow so close to their tombs....
4th April 2012

teeth cleaning
Glad to hear you did not have pain with the fillings...that is the way they used to do it!
3rd April 2012

April Fools
Their blood pressure was probably 220/130!!! Scared the devil out of them!
1st April 2012

Glad to see she pulled off another surprise for your birthday! Looks like it was a successful week! HAPPY 32!!!!
31st March 2012

So they are going to make you work a little harder for your check! At least at the most...it will be 2/3 of the semester!!! Keep your chin up and you both will do great! Sounds like they liked the winner winner, chicken dinner idea!
23rd March 2012

Birthday Train
THANKS for giving me the idea to print off....Grandma will love this! Also reminds me of the size I was in 2008....getting back there is my goal for now! I remember when Chase was so zonked out at Forest Inn also! I remember the wine at that little house also!
20th March 2012

Life does not seem to be easy....at least you found it and now know the routine!
19th March 2012

Guess who is coming to town
I am actually having breakfast with the Irish Prime Minister next week....
8th March 2012
Tree Farm along I-84 Oregon

Trees on I-84 (Oregon)
What kind if trees are these?
From Blog: My 30th Birthday
9th March 2012
Tree Farm along I-84 Oregon

I have no idea, just thought they looked cool.
From Blog: My 30th Birthday
8th March 2012

You both have done more in your lives now than most people have done in their ENTIRE life. No need to worry about the future.. You are both good people and the future will be just as exciting as your now...
8th March 2012

Thanks :)
That was a great, positive way to help me start my day :) Words of wisdom to live by.
8th March 2012

teaching and travel
You are so right when you mention scary and exciting all in one paragraph! We sure are looking forward to having you closer! Enjoy the rest of your stay and down time! I am sure when you hit US soil...your feet will be running!
3rd March 2012

all time boxoffice ranking in china (RMB)
2010 AVATAR 1,350,000K 2011 Tansformer3 1,095,200K 2010 让子弹飞 664,700K 2010 唐山大地震 647,750K 2011 Kungfu Panda 2 610,850K 2012 MI 4 603,950K 2011 金陵十三钗 592300K 2011 龙门飞甲 540550K 2010 非诚勿扰2 473500K 2011 Pirate 4 466,700K 2009 2012 465,970K 2010 Inception 457,140K 2009 Trans 2 422900K 2009 建国大业 419220K 2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 413,050K 2011 建党伟业 411960K 1998 Tatanic 359,500K
3rd March 2012

chinese love those American products
Enfamil Infant Formula for baby (chinese don't trust their own brand Formula) Estée Lauder, Coach bags for women American fast food for young people everyone loves Apple products (too bad, they are almost all made in China) American cars (chinese think Japanese cars too fragile) American Movie, Mission Impossible 4 made 600M RMB boxoffice( roughly $100M) in china.
2nd March 2012

Teaching and Travel
When I saw Organic....I wondered if they had any milk cows in China...only to find out in Portland, they must! I also wonder if the soybeans did come from Blue Goose Rd??? Good chatting with you this morning....talk to you after the wrestling meet....
28th February 2012

As cold as it has been there, it surprised me there were any blossoms! Of course, I was not surprised that Pete was riding another animal!
22nd February 2012

Glad I could help!
I have over 200 students and can't imagine not taking their photos with their names. Though, I usually write the names on the chalkboard instead because then I don't need to worry about being able to read their writing! It certainly does make things easier!
20th February 2012

Wow, so why exactly are the rocks like that..? lol or should I say how did they get like that..
20th February 2012

Thank You The Given information is very effective I will keep updated with the same Binary Plan
6th February 2012

Kudos to you for keeping as cool as you did and for getting this resolved. Was the mistake made by the people who booked your entire India trip or did you book your flights separately?
30th January 2012

Very interesting!!! Beautiful pictures !!!
28th January 2012

So glad you got to take in a movie at the theater! When I was in Jaipur it was a highlight for me as well. I agree that there were a lot of monkeys there. There\'s actually a monkey palace outside of the city a bit and a lot of people feed them.

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