Daveyh's Guestbook

18th June 2010

The Cricketers
Hi David, i think John Waller beat me to it re the book but I have my own ideas - see photos with tomorrows report. The Cricketers is very nice; good menu and goog quality. They do draught Royal Ionion beer as well as bottles of the Corfu Beer, the red one and the Pilsner are quality. They also sell local Corfu wines. Spiros (how unusual a name) the head waiter is a charming and friendly host and the lady (name forgotten) who tend the bar in the evenings is very good host. She is fluent in English and German. It has a nice pool area too so go prepared for a swim. Don't forget there is also a cricket tournament on in September so get on over to the pitch at Gouvia for a game.
18th June 2010

The Cricketers!
You found it then Dave! I hope to in September. The next question is - "When does your book come out?" David
14th June 2010

When I say "brilliant" I'm talking about the writing and the photos. Really good stuff Dave! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. David
14th June 2010

Church Bells
Annabel, I have lots of bell tower photos especially from Corfu Town at end of trip. Will download more. Only heard bells ringing the once and sorry but cannot remember what sort of tone they were. Most of the bells have rope hanging down the tower side for the ringer to pull.
14th June 2010

Another great blog entry!
Your blogs are full of lovely things, like delicious meals, info about the natural landscape, pictures of birds and (injured) snakes. Obviously I was v interested in the pic of the church at Ag Georgious - did you hear those bells going? Looking forward to the next entry . . .
11th June 2010

football pitch
Ok, Ok , Ok! I suppose i do have to leave a comment on the photo dont i? what do you want me to say? its the best photo youve taken so far? ( you know it is dont you, you just wont admit it) and you could have placed the ball IN the goal! or maybe having it saved by shrek, wasnt sure about the pitch though, thought you might have brought the ball back and taken it at Loftus Road, such is the state of the pitch! ok, so now are you regretting asking me for a comment? of course I am only joking, it was and is a great picture, and thanks for emailing it to me, its only overshadowed by what is now my screensaver, the rest of you reading this will have to wait to see which one that is, but it is worth waiting for, and very funny.....happy now Dave?
11th June 2010

Ian (ghost) where are you!!
Come on...........I'm waiting for your comment on my lovely photo of the football pitch. Not so much Roman Abramovich but 'Roaming on what a pitch'.
11th June 2010

Annabel, I watched Paraguay beat Greece 2- 0 while in a village bar in Corfu and they looked good. The locals were all swearing away at the big screen!! Plenty more good photos to come.....wait til you see my Pine (or maybe Beech) Marten and the snakes and lizards........keep watching. Ann, Thanks, eye healed in 24 hours mainly by sweat cleansing it so reckon I got deet in it. Foot is still swoollen despite a week nearly now since I walked much..........still it will get plenty of rest while I watch world cup.
11th June 2010

Great photos
Am loving your reports Dave and the photos are really great, esp the wildlife ones . . . that tortoise is so small and cute! So pleased that you are back in one piece and can take it easy with a bit of World Cup! I've got Paraguay in our office sweepstake, so that's who I will be following (for a bit, anyway!). Love Annabel
10th June 2010

Well done
Hi Dave, glad you finished the trail safe and sound. Hope your leg and eye are ok and recovering well. Enjoying reading your blog and the photos are great.
8th June 2010

I am reading this Dave! obsessed by Amstel? me!! how could you say such a thing????? (didnt mention the sardines though did he) and as far as the Ionian Beer is concerned, i missed out on that last year, but will be pilfering your wallet for it next year! Look forward to your feeble attempts at doing the blog over the next fortnight, but seriously - welcome back and well done! Ian
8th June 2010

Your Blog
I will have a look in a few days and see what I can add.
8th June 2010

To Judy
Hi Judy, so sorry we missed but I know how incredibly busy you are. I am now home havign completed th echallenge and will be starting my personal story day by day from tomorrow. The monies from myself and some I was given on my walks will be paid through to you in due course. Hope you have received other donation ssince I started walking. I aim to be out in October for a week of rest so will come and see you then.
From Blog: 2 DAYS IN ONE
6th June 2010

Ok, I am going to start the bidding at £25.00, not a massive start i know, but we have to start somewhere.......Ian
5th June 2010

Well Done
Well done Dave, as Ian says you deserve all the beer you can get, not forgetting Ouzo as well. Hope the leg and the eye recover ok.
4th June 2010

where are you - urgent
Hi Dave, it has been hectic at the shelter the last few weeks, lots of help but always this requires my personal presence even more as I have to bring my man management skills into operation (and it has to be said I am far better at donkey management). I need to give instruction, show volunteers how things are done and check up on it all the time, visit DIY stores for supplies, still dealing with building authorities trying to get the new shelter foundations started, and so it goes on. Anyway, this morning was my first chance to get into the office as our blog was in need of updating. I had a quick scan through emails and noticed yours from several weeks ago. Ah, I thought, Dave will be starting the walk soon, must plan a visit to see you, as promised. Then horror!! You've nearly finnished. Where do the days and weeks go to? I read your last blog and it seems you may finnish one day early. Well Dave, I can only apologise profusely. I don't really know where you are. Maybe tomorrow I can go to Almiros beach (where ever that is) but maybe you are there today? I will try to find you. If you get this in time and have a phone number I can reach you on, please ring me. You have done an incredible thing and I do want to thank you personally on behalf of all the donkeys. Hope to see you, Judy
From Blog: 2 DAYS IN ONE
2nd June 2010

Seen the ankle - it is very swollen... but Dave is in very good spirits. He seems to be breezing through his walks..... we were pleased to fill him with Mythos! Best wishes for the rest of the walk x
2nd June 2010

Hiya Ann, just thought i would respond to your comment re:- Dave s leg, it seems that his swelling is around the top of where a sock would be, going downwards, you cant see his ankle due to the swelling, and a bit painful at times, he struggles to get a sock on, and the anti-inflamatories he bought out there dont seem to do anything to help, but having said that, he is very chirpy when he phones me and does manage to stroll round the various towns and villages when he visits them, so maybe its not as painful as it comes across, more discomfort than pain? i know he suffers on certain days, so i am not belittling it, and obviously his determination to complete the trail is carrying him through! my email is al2159@hotmail.com if you want or need to contact me on this or any other info you want, though i wouldnt post that on the blog as i never know who can gain access to it! Ian (ghost writer)
From Blog: JEALOUS.........
1st June 2010

I'm jealous too now, I love Sidari. Hope the leg is doing ok.
From Blog: JEALOUS.........
30th May 2010

Mind that leg
Look after that leg David. We're all back here supporting you and reading your adventures! Enjoy the rest day, wonder if you will be able to get to an internet cafe to read all your blog comments? Annabel x
30th May 2010

hi dave
hi dave hows it going one week gone looks like yoy doing so well i new you would so well you a star thinking of you keep the gog work going lots of love caroline always xxx
30th May 2010

Another mile another Amstel
Keep going Dave,can imagine how hard this must be.You deserve every single beer you have.Have enough and accompanied by a generous shot or two of ouzo,the pain will be less.Hope you have a good rest today but fear you may pay for it tomorrow by stiffening up a bit.Enjoy the views,thinking of you whilst supping an ale or three here on the Isle of WIght
28th May 2010

Dave, Pleased to hear your got there OK - even with the scare of losing your rucksac! Mind you if it hadnt of shown up yuo coudl always have caught a bus to Brighton, sunbathe for a few days then walk back to High Wycombe. Thats probably about the same dsiatance as the Corfu Trail !!
26th May 2010

whos needs corfu when its hot in southampton sat in pub haveing beer,ps dave got lost today on his walk ha ha
24th May 2010

I stumbled upon your post by accident, but I thought it was funny, and Kavos sounds nice. My blog is looking for travel reviews, photos, etc, to share (like maybe of Paradise Taverna?!). If you have the time, check it out at dirty-hippies.blogspot.com, or email me at dirtyhippiesblog@gmail.com. Continued fun on your travels! Heather :)

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