Small House...Big Yard

a trip by John and Pat Smallman
From: July 15th 2014
Until: August 23rd 2014

Greeting to all who have traveled vicariously with us on past adventures and welcome to those of you who are new to this experience. Once again we are heading out on a new saga. What happens and where we will go remains to be seen. I enjoy writing our story and John is the world's best editor, so it is indeed a joint effort. Your comments are something that we both look forward to reading and many times they actually cause us to slow down and check out your recommendations, so please feel free to comment and encourage us in our journey. Now, let's hit the road together!
Trip Length: 6 weeks
Blog Entries: 0
Photos: 0
Words: 0
Tot: 0.014s; Tpl: 0.003s; cc: 3; qc: 4; dbt: 0.0035s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 948.6kb