Page 2 of Alibman Travel Blog Posts

Asia August 28th 2009

Hi Everyone Well here I am in Sapa, North West Vietnam, in what is definately a little piece of heaven......... and I"m glad to say the temperature is just "very warm" ..... as opposed to VERY HOT. A pleasant reprieve at long last!!! I got the Over-Night train up here on Thursday which left Hanoi at 9pm. I was in a sleeper cabin, which has 4 bunk style beds ... i.e 2 on each side of the cabin. I had a bottom bunk, which I think is the best, as I always feel like the trains movement will make me fall off the top. As I had been up VERY late the night before, I fell onto my bunk and pretty much went to sleep straight away. I didn"t really even have the time to get ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi August 22nd 2009

Hi Everyone I've now left Laos behind and begun the next part of my trip. I arrived in Hanoi on Friday afternoon (21 Aug) and despite all my bagging out of Lao Airlines, we actually departed Vientiane 10 minutes early!!! Alison collected me from Hanoi airport and we headed home to their lovely town house in huge security complex, with very good aircon. We had lots to catch up on, which was done over far too many glasses of champagne.... Needless to say we were a bit slow Saturday morning. I know I have been going on about the heat, but to prove I wasn't imagining it, there was a temp gauge on a building across from our Hotel in Vientianne. It confirmed my suspicions that we were regularily dealing with 40 plus temps. At 6.30pm ... read more

Asia August 20th 2009

Hi Everyone Am now back in Vientiene after spending some time in the South of Laos...... more on that later, but thought I might fill you in on some trivia (real and imagined) and facts about Laos. It's yet again very hot, and after spending the morning being a dutiful tourist, the airconditioned comfort of the the hotel ( which provides free internet) is a welcome respite. So here goes...... The vast majority of Laos is Buddist, and as you probably know the teachings of the Lord Buddha determine every aspect of day to day life... health, prosperity, family and even the weather !! So when we commented to our tour guide Tui (who is Lao & Buddist), that given it is the rainy season we'd been very lucky with the weather (We've had virtually no ... read more

Asia August 15th 2009

Hi again everyone Am now in Vientiane Laos, and it's VERY, VERY hot. Thanks everyone for all your messages, it's fabulous to get them, and Chris & Lynda I have Buddha watching that fridge. I know he is a peaceful guy, but he doesn't like plastic bags either. So watch out !!! Anyway onto the serious subject of travelling...... I left off in Luang Prabang, possibly the most beautiful and peaceful place in the world. The last morning I got up early (5.30am) to watch the monks go about the town collecting their alms (food) from the villagers. There were at least a couple of hundred monks trotting down the street, and the towns people come out and sit on the pavement (you have to be lower than the monk when giving him food) and pop ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang August 12th 2009

Hello Again The last blog left off in Chang Rai, and so we continue the journey..... We left Thailand by crossing the Mekong River in a very small boat, over to the Laos border town of Huay Xai. Like all border towns it was pretty grimy, but there was plenty of little boys more than willing to carry our luggage up the hill, and over to the larger boat that would take us down the Mekong to Luang Prabang. It took 2 days cruising slowly down the river to get to Luang Prabang. Our boat was very spacious, with our own personal cook to whip up a fantastic lunch. We stopped off at a couple of villages on the banks of the river, and spent the night is a small town called Pak Beng. A very ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Rai August 11th 2009

Hi Everyone I am really in Luang Prabang, Laos, but more on that later........ First I will let you know what I've been up to since my last blog. After spending 3 days in Bangkok, it still isn't my favourite city in the world, however there are a few things I've noticed. The first is Bangkok's colourful taxis. They come in a range of bright colours, Yellow, Red, Orange and Purple, but the vast majority are HOT PINK !!! Most unusual. However they do stand out in the maze of traffic in Bangkok's streets, so maybe there is a good reason. The second thing is what seems to be Bangkok's contribution to Fashion. A large number of people are wearing surgical masks. Now I'm not sure if it's the pollution or Swine Flu or both, but ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok August 7th 2009

Hello everyone Here I am in Bangkok and my travels have begun........... Bangkok is just as polluted, congested and noisy as I remembered. Not my favourite city I'm afraid. The flight yesterday left on time and was less than 50% full, so lots of spare seats. I had a whole middle row to myself so was able to stretch out. So after lunch at about 11am and a couple of glasses of wine, I had 3 hours sleep........ Bingo the flight was half over. The movie selection was not that great, but I amused myself with some of the games. A little boy ( about 8) in the seat across the aisle showed me how to play them. Sad isn't it!! When the flight arrived in Bangkok it was pouring with rain, but by the time ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House August 4th 2009

Hi Everyone Well this is my first blog, and I've not even left Sydney yet.......... I figured I should learn how to add an entry and photos before I leave, as an internet cafe in Laos with a dinosaur computer, and the clock ticking, is probably not the ideal way to start. So I will tell you about my last day at work on Friday (31 July). The lovely girls in my team went to extreme lengths to ensure my last day was memorable. I knew about the lunch and the drinks in the office afterwards, but I didn't know they intended to turn my desk into a "shrine"!! I arrived at work in the morning to find my desk covered in streamers, and a variety of tacky items from the $2 shop.... a herd of ... read more
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