We Made It!

October 7th 2006
Published: October 7th 2006
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Mooncake FestivalMooncake FestivalMooncake Festival

Colourful Dragon
Hi Everyone!

We made it safely to Singapore- it's amazing! The flight was good. I watched The Break Up and an episode of Friends and Without a Trace. Slept for about 4 hours too. We arrived last night and went to our hotel. It's lovely and we got a free upgrade to a business class room. Only problem was that once we'd been there 10 mins a big fat cockroach came running out from under my bed!! So that was it, we got our backpacks and went back to the lobby to get another room!! (which sadly wasn't an upgrade!- but no cockroach at least!)

There was a festival called the mooncake festival in Chinatown so we decided to go there for the evening. It was incredible- colourful lanterns and dragons everywhere with music up and down the streets. We got given glow sticks and joined in- running totally on adrenaline!

Afterwards we had a look around the little market stalls and I bought a pink fan- hand held and very pretty. It's so hot here- humid more than anything (about 80%), temp is about 30 upwards. We got coconuts to drink the milk out of- very refreshing. We had chinese for dinner. I had lemon chicken with seafood fried rice (which included squid- and I ate it- Laura you would have been so proud!) We also had a bottle of beer each- they were huge.

Today we had our city tour. We went to a famous statue on the front called the 'Merlion' it had the head of a lion and the body of a fish. We also went to a Chinese temple which was stunning. The next stop was a gem factory, then the orchid gardens which were beautiful and then Little India. Little India was covered in decoration because it is the month of Ramadan at the moment. We went into a little market alley which was cute but very busy and smelly. Smelly in the sense of incensce sticks and curry!!

We decided to be adventurous and use the trains, it was just like the underground but a lot cleaner! It was pretty easy and we came back to Orchard road. It's full of big shops- even a Marks and Spencers mum!! We have just had dinner in a really cool American style diner and are now in an internet cafe just
Me and Kate having dinnerMe and Kate having dinnerMe and Kate having dinner

With Big Tiger beers!
down the road.

We are having such a good time. The people are so friendly and everyone speaks English. Tomorrow we are going to Singapore Zoo and Monday night we are doing the sunset tour of Sentosa- the local island. We will put photos on here soon- we've got about 70 already! One last thing I must add is our favourite quote so far! The taxi drivers are really friendly and love to tell you all about Singapore. One was telling us how safe it is here and said 'you can walk across the island on your own for three days and be safe- you pretty- no-one cares!!' We thought that was hilarious!

Love to you all- missing you already. We're having such an amazing experience. Will update again soon x x x

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


8th October 2006

Heya, glad to hear you're having a ball already! See you soon now you are in my neck of the woods :)
8th October 2006

So glad to hear from you! It is all bringing back so many memories. And by the way I'm crying all over again now but this time from jealousy! Sounds fantastic and very hot and I'm really pleased that everyone is so friendly. Hope you're loving every minute. Linsey.
9th October 2006

Hey Lins, stop crying!! I hope you're ok. It was so nice to see you before I left and I hope were alright after and not too upset. I miss you loads and think you should definitely get saving to come and see me in Australia! Love B x x x
9th October 2006

Arrive in Sydney Tomorrow
Hey! Yeah this is the best thing I've ever done; we're having a great time. Getting into Sydney tomorrow night and will get a SIM on Wednesday and will be in touch : )
9th October 2006

Hi Beccy x
I cannot believe what a fantastic time you are both having already - just days into your trip! The pictures are amazing and lovely to see you so soon after our tearful goodbye at Heathrow! (sorry about that!) It was reasuring to see you looking so happy! Just keep having the best time ever. I guess you're in Sydney as you read this and that is just crazy! Looking forward to hearing about your climb up the Sydney Harbour bridge next! Amazing! Take care of yourself Darling and we miss you lots already - seriously! Very quiet house! Taking a bit of getting used to! Lots of love to you Darling and to Kate. Mum xxx
10th October 2006

Arrived at Sydney safely
Hi mum, so nice to hear from you. Sitting in the common room at our hostel in Sydney now- free internet which is cool. Missing you lots too and hope you're ok. Look forward to your e-mail, love you x x x

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