Planning for China Roundtrip 2015

July 27th 2015
Published: August 1st 2015
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This is our first experience with an online travel blog.
Thanks in advance to the platform "" which allows us to write down our travel experiences online and open the possibility to share with others.
Instead of creating tons of paper.
Hopefully we can provide some interesting stories and pictures.

The countdown runs: 1st of august our 3-week vacation in China starts.
We - my wife Manuela and me - have scheduled following trip.
Daughter stays at home. :-)
Starting from home the first few kilometers are by car to Munich airport, followed by a shuttle flight to Frankfurt.
The long distance night flight to Shanghai will be unfortunately with an old equipped Lufthansa Jumbo.
After 6 hours waiting time at Pudong Airport we will "enjoy" the last two hours to Beijing with China Eastern.

Our planned roundtrip: Beijing - Huashan - Xi'an - North Yunnan - Guilin/Yangzhuo - Shanghai.

Hopefully, from tomorrow on we can update our daily diary.

<map name="stepmapexportimg1551308_640"><area title="StepMap" shape="rect" coords="515,390,631,418" href="" alt="StepMap" target="_blank" /><area title="China Rundreise 2015" shape="rect" coords="0,0,640,427" href="" alt="China Rundreise 2015" target="_blank" /></map>


10th August 2015

Was ist los mit euch?
Hallo Ihr beide, ich hoffe ihr habt einen schönen Urlaub. Wir warten auf Beiträge. Aber bitte nicht wieder vom Metzger. Grüße, Christoph
12th August 2015

Time consuming travel in China
Dear all. Travelling in China is sooo tome consuming. Every evening we are planning for busses, trains and flights. We could not match our original planning because all flights and trains were fully booked. We hope to publish the first travel sequences tomorrow. Adrian

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