Comments and more wikileaks

December 8th 2010
Published: December 8th 2010
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***Please sign if you think the anti-wikileaks backlash is over the top and undemocratic:***

How very bizarre.

I don't often get comments on my blogs, and obviously a lot of them are set to private, but my wee note on Diego Garia sparked a bit of interest. I'm just back from Shanghai so need a bit more time to think, but in the meantime...

I mentioned in my last post that I am in two minds on wikileaks, and that remains. Some things I've read will embarass people, but other things will bring injustices to light and expose corruption. Some things might cause tensions in parts of the world, perhaps even inciting violence. I wouldn't like my private conversation broadcast around the world, but think if there is a public interest (as there is in SOME of the leaks) those documents should be shared far and wide.

What I am against though, is the massive crackdown on wikileaks e.g. removing its webserver and its means for funding. I do not think it is a terrorist organisation, and believe that labelling it as such is an insult to people who have been affected by terrorists. The organisations and governments that are now bullying wikileaks and its founders disgust me, and I wish they would be a bit more self reflective, rather then just looking to blame other people.

I can't access this website: (funnily enough it's not being reported here) but would sign the peition if I could.

From an email from

"Dear friends,

The chilling intimidation campaign by governments and corporations on WikiLeaks is an attack on freedom of the press and democracy. We urgently need a massive public outcry to stop the crackdown -- let's get 1 million voices this week!

Sign the petition

Whatever we think of WikiLeaks, the massive campaign of intimidation against it is sending a chill through free speech and media advocates everywhere.

Top US politicians have called WikiLeaks a terrorist organization and suggested assassination of its staff, and the organization has come under massive government and corporate attack to shut it down. But WikiLeaks is only publishing information passed to them by a whistleblower. And they're partnered with the world's top newspapers (NYT, Guardian, Spiegel) to carefully remove information that is not in the public interest.

If WikiLeaks has broken laws there should be legal action against them. But the massive extra-judicial intimidation is an attack on democracy itself. Right now, dozens of governments and corporations are being pressured to join the crackdown -- we urgently need to take a stand for freedom of the press and expression. Sign the petition to stop the crackdown and forward this email to everyone -- let's get 1 million voices this week!

WikiLeaks isn't acting alone -- it's partnered with the top newspapers in the world (New York Times, Guardian, Der Spiegel etc) to carefully review 250,000 US diplomatic cables and remove any information that it is irresponsible to publish. Only 800 cables have been published so far. Past wikiLeaks publications have exposed government-backed torture, the murder of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, and corporate corruption.

The US government is currently trying all legal avenues it has to stop wikiLeaks from publishing more cables, but the laws of democracies protect freedom of the press. The US and other governments may not like the laws that protect our freedom of expression, but that's exactly why it's so important that we have them, and why only a democratic process can change them.

Reasonable people can disagree on whether WikiLeaks is releasing more information than the public should see, whether it undermines diplomatic confidentiality and whether that's a good thing. Whether its founder Julian Assange has the personal character of a hero or a villain. But none of this justifies a vicious campaign of intimidation to silence a legal media outlet by governments and corporations. Click below to join the call to stop the crackdown:

The crackdown on Wikileaks has involved intimidation and threats to the staff, massive hacker attacks to shut down the website, multiple lawsuits, corporate decisions by Amazon, Visa, Mastercard, Paypal to cut services to the organization. The founder's assets have been seized in Switzerland and he is now one of Interpol's most wanted criminals in the world. These are more severe international measures than have been taken against some of the worst genocidal dictators and war criminals in our world today.

Ever wonder why the media so rarely gives the full story of what happens behind the scenes? This is why - because when they do, governments can be vicious in their response. And when that happens, it's up to the public to stand up for our democratic rights to a free press and freedom of expression. Never has there been a more vital time for us to do so.

With hope,
Ricken, Emma, Alex, Alice, Maria Paz and the rest of the Avaaz team.


Cyber guerrillas can help US (Financial Times)

Amazon drops WikiLeaks under political pressure (Yahoo)

"WikiLeaks avenged by hacktivists" (PC World):

US Gov shows true control over Internet with WikiLeaks containment (

Law experts say WikiLeaks in the clear (ABC)

US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee (The Guardian)

WikiLeaks ditched by MasterCard, Visa. Who's next? (The Christian Science Monitor)

WikiLeaks are a bunch of terrorists, says leading U.S. congressman (Mail Online)

Assange's Interpol Warrant Is for Having Sex Without a Condom (The Slatest)

Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here."


29th December 2010

Political Prosecutions
Our assine criminal Military Industrial Complex does what it wants,like torture,rendition,missing money,no found WMD'S,for what,an illegal war.Thank you Wikileaks and Private Manning,if you are the one who released these files to the newspapers.You are hero's in my book!
15th February 2011

Nice Information
Well this is the great thing which i found there

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