Monday Maela Refugee Camp

August 23rd 2010
Published: August 24th 2010
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Today was our first day at work in the refugee camp. Dr Norliand Abbey were amazing with the kids and did a great job. We saw 16 kids today, fillings and extractions mostly. The kids were so brave, only a few tears and VERY CUTE!!!!! WE gave them toys after their procedures and word got around camp.. we saw a few kids with "pretend toothaches."
The School Principal and Deputy Principal were with us all day and speak great English. They translated for us and a local school girl Ech Ko Say helped in the sterilzation room. The People are all so beautiful, gentle and friendly. Looking forward to meeting more of them tomorrow
xoxo Kylie, Lisa, Abbey and Dr Norli


24th August 2010

Such good news
Hi again, I am so glad that your first day went well. May the Lord God Almighty grant you the ability to touch and bless these people who He loves so much. God has such a fondness for those who are poor. He does not forget them and those who reach out to them will be blessed. Love Trish

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