View of Sapa

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Asia » Vietnam
September 29th 2017
Published: September 29th 2017
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It was clear and sunny this morning and we could see the top of Mt Fansipan from our balcony for a change. We decided to take the opportunity to go up to the lookout on Ham Rong mountain. So lots of uneven steps and rest stops later we made it to the top for the magnificent view of Sapa and the garden below. Along the way there are some unusual statues, based on the lunar calendar but more like Disney characters. There's are also some nice gardens. It was a bit easier to get back down and then we went to the restaurant above the supermarket for lunch. Later we met Glenn and Su and their friends Tim and Meena for dinner at a restaurant owned by a Polish friend.

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Dinner with friendsDinner with friends
Dinner with friends

Tim and Meena from Bangkok who have arrived for the village wedding.

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