Knocking shop coffee!!!

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Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City
December 11th 2007
Published: January 7th 2008
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Na Trang to Ho Chi Minh


Pringles in the park....
Arrived in Saigon at 5.30am, having had hardly any sleep due to the monks giggling all night.

No free hotel pick up!
So we climbed on a couple of cyclos and headed for the Redsun Hotel.

We were able to off load our luggage, but our room would not be ready till 2pm. Oh joy!!

With eyes half shut we went in search of a cafe that was open.
Came across one that looked promising, so gave it a go...

On entering the waitress tried to usher us upstairs.
Too tired for that, so we sat at the nearest table and ordered our drinks.

Something didn't seem right....

It seemed that everyone was watching us!!!

Then it dawned on me that the girls seemed to be showing a bit too much flesh, for that time of the morning!!!

Men were entering and immediately taken upstairs by the overly friendly girls.
Yep! It was a knocking shop, we drank up quickly and left...

Still laughing our heads off, we went in search of something that was open so that we could kill a bit of time.

We found a couple of supermarkets
Allyway to the hotel..Allyway to the hotel..Allyway to the hotel..

Don't let it put you off, it's quite a pleasant hotel...
and decided to hang around and wait for them to open.
Bought some pringles and made our way to the park to devour them.

By 10.30am we'd had enough!
We were hot and so tired we decided to go back to the hotel and sit in the lobby,
At least it would be comfortable.

Luck was with us, our room was ready...

Five hours later......

We surfaced, thinking about how much time we'd wasted sleeping, especially when we only had 2 nights here!

So much to see and not much time to do it in.

By the time we'd showered and gone through the backpacks, it was time to eat.
After trawling round the restaurants checking out their menus, we finally found one that had a good variety of dishes.
They also had a fun atmosphere..
We ended up staying there for the whole night, eating and drinking!

Next morning a little worse for wear, we decided to try and fit as much as we could into the day.
Found ourselves a cyclo at a reasonable price and off we went.......

Check out our pictures of what we saw

Our hotel...Our hotel...Our hotel...

Redsun hotel....

Additional photos below
Photos: 42, Displayed: 23


Our RoomOur Room
Our Room

Not trashed yet....
Sparkly bathroomSparkly bathroom
Sparkly bathroom

So plush...

To decorate the tree in the hotel lobby...
My turnMy turn
My turn

Not many decorations here!
Has it been snowing....Has it been snowing....
Has it been snowing....

I wish, that might cool us down
Look at this...Look at this...
Look at this...

It's just like Hanoi only more of it....

Skim will not like this! It's much too graffic...
All kinds of heavy equipment..All kinds of heavy equipment..
All kinds of heavy equipment..

Left behind, now shown alll over the place at the museum...
Big bomb...Big bomb...
Big bomb...

A sesmic bomb
A mountain A mountain
A mountain

of bombs....
US air force...US air force...
US air force...

Fighter bomber on display...
Tactical mapsTactical maps
Tactical maps

From the vietnam war.
Childrens paintingsChildrens paintings
Childrens paintings

On war and peace.
Tiger cages...Tiger cages...
Tiger cages...

Well that's what they call them, prison cells to us....
You ok mate?You ok mate?
You ok mate?

Looks a bit pale to me...
Sorry Skim!!Sorry Skim!!
Sorry Skim!!

I will not put my head in there, not even for the money shot....
It's a mock up..It's a mock up..
It's a mock up..

Of a prison yard..

15th January 2008

Tempted only by the coffee, then??
The question is, did you tip?? Lovely to see you both out and about in the DRY and WARM! You are definitely in the right place at the moment, what with the rain and cold and rain and cold and did I mention the rain? Cheers for now, Jane
30th January 2008

Did we tip?
Of cause not, the coffee was cold with lumps of ice floating around in it.....

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