Everybody Was Surfing...Surfing Vietnam???

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July 26th 2009
Published: July 26th 2009
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Hello, Matt Stein here again for your reading pleasure. Before I begin, I'd like to provide you with some background information about the author...

In West Philadelphia born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Wait...wrong intro.


In case you'd like a visual, I'm sitting in my boxers in my four star air conditioned hotel room in Hoi An after just having returned from day of snorkeling and beaching.

Before I fill you in, as always, a few quick things.

1. I know you have all been worried about the tragic (yes tragic) loss/breaking of my camera. Well...all is well in the world of digital photography. With the help of Maryann, a girl on my tour who speaks Vietnamese, I bought another fantastic camera and didn't even miss that many photo opportunities. The days without a camera were certainly a struggle and a test of will, but as I learned from Rudy (Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy), anything is possible if you put your mind to it. And, just like the end of the movie, my fellow tour members carried me, victorious, out of the camera store and onto the bus. It was the only time a Contiki tour member has EVER been carried off the field.

2. Thank you all again for your wonderful and thoughtful comments, some of which I'd like to take this opportunity to respond to. First, Claire, welcome to the party. Glad to know you have been keeping up. Gwen, I hope that you still have a job, but if I had to choose between a job and reading this blog, I might choose the blog. Finally, I'd like to respond to Dana's (not the redhead) and Joey's comments as one. Joey, to answer your question, my game is fine. However, Dana, I wish you had given me the Ladyboy warning a bit sooner. There I was, spitting game in HCMC (this abbreviation was defined in the previous blog), when, to my surprise...well, I'll let you use your imagination on this one...(once again, am I joking...?)

3. To all my former CBS co-workers: As Veronica has probably told you, we stumbled upon the Amazing Race being filmed in Vietnam (both on the Mekong and in HCMC). First, please tell Bill that everyone on my trip went NUTS and was so excited to take a picture with Phil (the host). I guess there are still some fans left. Second, they were told not to tell anybody that TAR was being filmed here. Not sure if you knew, but if not, I say start developing product now. Stick it to the man!!!

4. Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!

Two days ago (or three days ago...) we spent one last morning in HCMC and went to the War Remnants Museum (yes Hayley, we went). It was quite moving, and certainly painted an extremely ugly picture of both the war and of Americans. I only made it halfway through before I was ready to leave.

That afternoon, we made for Nha Trang. If you have been reading this whole time (and I realize I may only be speaking to my parents on this one...thanks guys) you will have realized that there has been little to no downtime on this trip. It's been up at dawn (without even a sunrise - stupid clouds) and go go go. That being said, when we landed in Nha Trang it was like Christmas (Hanukkah) had come early. We were at the fucking beach! No mosquitos. No bugs. Just us and the South China Sea. Basically, it was like we were on vacation from our vacation (and our problems...Baby steps everyone). We spent the following two days doing water activities (half day boat trip, jumping into the water, parasailing (I didn't do this), drinking) in Nha Trang. I didn't love the town, but it was certainly a beach town, and who could argue with that. It is an up and coming area, with many bars, restaurants, activities, and fantastic seafood.

After two days in Nha Trang, we hopped a flight to Hoi An, where I am now. This is one of my favorite towns thus far in Vietnam. Cute shops (I got custom shirts made - no Hayley, I didn't go to Kaly, but I may today), restaurants, and generally a happy feel to it. It also has a French feel to it, as some of the culture was influenced by the French.

Side Story: The Bet (s) -

Two of the newcomers on the trip are named Josh and Fernando. Fernando is a firefighter/personal trainer from NYC (build like a tank) and Josh (not sure where he is from) is a compulsive gambler. This combination was trouble from the start. For lunch yesterday, we went to this 'all you can eat' restaurant where you are given veggies, spring rolls, pork, and rice paper and basically you just go to town until they can't force feed you anymore. I had about 7-8 rolls and I was done. Fernando, however, took down 29! Impressive, I know, but wait for it... We were about to ask for the check, when Josh bet Fernando $50 that he could not eat another 25 pieces of pork in 30 minutes. After coming to terms on the exact rules, they shook hands. What then took place was the most amazing display of competitive eating I have ever witnessed in my life. Fernando finished the 25 pieces in 10 minutes, and to be honest, I think he could have kept going. Awesome!

Later that day, Josh wanted a chance to redeem himself, so he proposed this (the bet was double or nothing): Fernando had from 4:00 PM yesterday to 2:30 today to do 850 push-ups. Yes - 850 push- ups. I won't keep you in suspense. He did it. I've never seen anything like it. I think he is actually the terminator sent back in time. Not sure if he is a good terminator or a bad terminator though...I'll get back to you on that.

Today we went on another water excursion, taking speed boats to a remote island where we ate, drank, and snorkeled. I have never used so much sunscreen in my life, but somehow I still managed to get burnt. Tonight I am taking a Vietnamese cooking class, and some of you lucky ones may get to experience my culinary expertise when I get home.

Fun Facts:

1. There was nobody surfing here. I just liked the title.
2. I brought my camera (the broken one) into a shop today and they will be able to fix it for $40.
3. Does anybody want to buy a camera? I have two.
4. Mom, I have been reading excerpts from that massive book you gave me. Just thought you'd like to know
5. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was on TV two nights ago...
5a. "You have chosen...wisely."

Tomorrow we head to Hue. Not sure what's there, but as soon as I know, you'll know. Thanks again for tuning in, and as always, keep those comments coming.

Hi Mom!

Matt (The Fresh Prince of Vietnam)


26th July 2009

famous at last.....
albiet as a signature sign-off....i may achieve fame in a certain circle. i don't think you should come home if it means your blog stops. at the least, is there a law student blog in my\your future? and, perhaps the extra camera goes to grandma. then we can all teach her, separately and together, and she can have a new hobby. as ever, miss you and can't wait to see what's next.
26th July 2009

My life
1. I would love you to cook some vietnamese/thai cuisine for us when you get back instead of simply eating cold pasta from gourmet garage. 2. I dont want to make your trip seem worthless but last night I was at a party in the Soho section of Manhattan at a hip little joint called Canal room. Picture this - 80's coverband, 500 23 year olds and under, 68% female audience in short dresses... all this fun for only a cab ride. 3. I know you're traveling and all but I've been getting into the Bachlerette on tv. The finale is tommorow 8est/7ct - not sure what time that is for you. Basically, Jillian dismissed a homosexual last week who may come back and propose this week stealing her from a guy who can't get an erection. Again, I didnt want to tell you this cause I didnt want you to regret your trip but you know..... 4. Let's just say I hope you dont stay in any hotels that Erin Andrews goes to - you won't get this joke but if you remind me i'll explain it to you nicely without arresting you for disorderly conduct (I'll explain that joke to you as well). 5. I did charity work yesterday. One of the kids told me her family refuses to drink pepsi because "they killed Michael Jackson." I liked that. 6. I had a 3some with Stacey. 7. Please reread #6 8. I bought jeans that are skinnier than previous jeans I have worn. I think they look cool. Bless Woodbury commons and their great deals. 9. F Woodbury commons because someone stole my sunglasses. If you can get cheap Raybans shoot me a fax. 10. Can you bring me back a person?
27th July 2009

What a life
Glad you're having a good time. You've mentioned no girls, which leads me to believe you're not getting any. You're aawkward, even in Southeast Asia. Happy Trails...

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