Honkers Unite!

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Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Da Nang
October 11th 2006
Published: October 11th 2006
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WOW, what an intoduction to Vietnam....a car ride into Ho Chi MInh City with a driver I did not know, driving on the wrong side of the road, dodging motor cycle, pushies and other cars all the while his hand was on the horn. Such a clacophony of sounds. Road rules don't seem to be adhered to although I'm sure they do exist on paper somewhere. Motor bikes and cycles go in whatever direction they like and if the shortest way from A to B is via the footpath then the footpath it is.

That's for those in/on vehicles. Now for pedestrians. Pedestrian crossings are painted on the road but only seem to be used by the tourists but that mean any of the traffic stops for you. As a pedestrian...just step off the curb, look straight ahead and walk with a positive attitude, slowly and in a straight line. The cars and bikes will go around you. A little unerving the first time but quite an exhilarating experience al the same.

Am currently in Da Nang until Saturday. I go to visit my little boy tomorrow. Should be a blast. No photos as yet.


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