Day 16 More in Da Lat

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August 3rd 2015
Published: August 5th 2015
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Day 16
We were both up early to meet Terry before his trip and to say goodbye.... again. Coffee and a good chat about times shared over the past 4 days. It's amazing how quickly you forge friendships.

Back for a shower and get ready for the day. We're going to have an easy day today because we have 7 hours travelling tomorrow and Lesley needs to rest. Her determination to carry on is amazing she is doing yoga everyday to help with her shoulder neck and arm.

Off out for breakfast. We spotted a lake yesterday so made our way there through the market stalls. We sat and had a lovely breakfast watching people on the lake and chatting about what the next chapter will bring. We haven't got Terry as a tour guide now, but we do very well on our own.

We walked partly around the lake to a shopping mall. We thought we'd pamper ourselves and get our nails done! No such luck, just children's toys, gold and massage chairs! Although I did manage to get some much needed contact lens solution.

We'd spotted a place on the way down to the lake that sold ice cream, it was a bit like a macdonalds. They had none left! It Looked like rain so on to our local Windmill coffee shop for iced peach tea and cookies. We have our own chairs now under the awning where we people watch. There are ladies that walk by with 2 baskets balanced on their shoulders collecting plastic and cardboard. Every time they walk they make a squeaking sound. So annoying. I asked Lesley why they all have squeaking shoes on. She informed me it wasn't their shoes it was a little squeaker in their hands. It's a bit like the rag and bone men we have calling out for your rubbish!

Today was all about indulging in our favourite things! Well we tried.... no nail bars in The town. So the next best thing ....We bought some sweetie treats and went back to the hotel to watch a a film as it was raining.

Out for an early meal, Thai restaurant - very nice then back to pack back packs for tomorrow's travelling to Saigon. We've had sufficient time in Da Lat now. It's time to move on to new adventures.

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5th August 2015

Catching up
Just caught up on your blog - bloody hell! Hope Lesley is doing ok... Enjoy Saigon x
5th August 2015

Hi Rich good to hear from you. I was so scared I thought she was a gonna! We've regrouped just taking it slow. Am glad to be moving on now. Still looking forward to the rest of my trip. Say hi to everyone xx

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