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April 4th 2006
Published: April 4th 2006
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yeah. I was taking a public bus from a town SW to Kanchanaburi. 3 hour ride maybe. No AC with all the windows open and every seat full. I am standing in the back with my pack on the floor. I hear a cell phone ring and a weird voice answer "Herrohw" I hesitate and then look back to see that it's the monk, yes a buddhist monk talking on a cell phone riding a public bus. It's an interesting world we live in. Nothing is left to/ for the purists.

I have to share one of the really cool things i saw while in New Zealand. And this will apply to a few of you with some excuses of sort. I was put-putting up Aurther's Pass last month, (this pass rivals Red Mtn Pass in Colorado for beauty) my little car got me over the summit and on the way down to the mtn i wanted to trek up, i passed two people on bikes. They weren't interesting, it was what they were toting behind them in little pull behind carts. They each had one of their kids with them. Along with their supplies for camping. The family was touring NZ on bikes. Great, great stuff.
Also, on one of the tramps i did, i passed a family. Dad had his son on his back (maybe 1 year old) and mom had the big pack with the tent and rest. No excuses. The kids were loving it.
So. Take notes parents. Or aspiring parents.

The D. Lama had some interesting words for us westerners. He was speaking the truth the other day to some journalists from the paper here in Thailand. Speaking about westernization and the current reasons for the terrorist attacks. But he asked a few good questions.

Why are your (us) houses getting bigger and your families smaller
You have and demand so many things made easier but why do you have so little time
You can travel around the world but why don't you cross the road and meet your neighbor.

All the choices we have, have made us spoiled and confused to what is real.

Just some thoughts. (Of his)

It's been great here. This town is a place you can live and chill and forget the rest of the planet exists almost. I see why some choose to make this town and spot on the river where i am staying home. It's 1.80$ a night for your own room plus i spend about a 1.45$ per meal. 3-4 meals per day. And the food is excellent. They show nightly movies as well. There is a clay/cinder track about a half mile from here where i do my runs now. Good stuff.

Hotel Rawanda was shown tonight. Good story.

And FYI. It's 96 deg here everyday.
The weather for Mongolia (where i will be in a few weeks) 26 for the High!! today

A good contrast i say....

Have a great week
I will try to get pics up this weekend.



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