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Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Kanchanaburi
February 22nd 2010
Published: February 25th 2010
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We got a mini bus from our hotel to kanchanaburi at 7 in the morning. On the way we went to the JEATH museum and the brige over the kwai river (not sure about the spelling of the river) it didnt really interest us that much only because we were soo tired, after that we drove to a place close to where we were staying and where we would be eating for the next few days, dropped our bags off and had lunch. After lunch we met this guy called phil, also from england, the three of us were told to get in the back of one the tour guides truck and we were taken to a cave. It was fun, bit of a bumpy ride and when we got there our tour guide gave us a tourch and pointed at some stairs going up towards the cave and said you go i wait here for you. it wasnt too far, however it was dark inside and the tourch he gave us was very tempremental and turned off every few seconds. Luckily we made it through the cave and back without any serious problems. oh except there were loads of bats in the cave which hannah and i did not like! Next we went to a small waterfall which was nice but very crowded. Then dinner time which was good because we were very hungry, although very fed up of rice and noodles. Next we took a boat to our accomodation, which was .... ok quite basic not what i am used to and took some getting used to, although we were only staying two nights so should really have complained too much, it didnt stop me though, hannah got a bit fed up with me oopps. our group was small and we all had a beer before bed.


26th February 2010

sounds fab darling so jealous!! but so glad its going well and ignoire the rat u have 2 have a moan sometimes. love u and miss ux x x x
26th February 2010

sounds fab darling so jealous!! but so glad its going well and ignoire the rat u have 2 have a moan sometimes. love u and miss ux x x x

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