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April 2nd 2016
Published: April 2nd 2016
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So I'm about 10 days into travelling through South East Asia, apologies for this being my first blog entry, I've been busy haha. So far I have spent several days around Bangkok, taking in the strange sights and smells =]. Myself and Alex have now journeyed south to Kohn Tao, a small island in the Gulf of Thailand, where we have spent 6 days completing our Advanced Diving Course, so technically we are now meant to be proficient divers, not so sure about that but oh well. Saw some amazing things underwater, got 'narced' at 30m which is a strange drunk feeling that can happen at these depths, quite funny though =]. We are now trying to figure out where to go and what to do next. Hopefully I will update you all sooner next time!!!

I'll also try and get some picks up soon


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