The Beach

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July 9th 2010
Published: July 9th 2010
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These past few days have been such a blur....We finally had to say goodbye to our beloved island of Koh Phangan, but only after we bought our tickets, started drinking, and decided to stay another night. Our boat/bus/taxi left at 6am so we decided to just power through the night and not sleep.....worst/best decision of my life. The night was more than enough to make up for the fact that i found myself wishing death upon me in a boiling hot bus station in the middle of nowhere the next day. We made it through though and arrived on the island of Koh Phi Phi yesterday.

Before I came on this trip, I would look at pictures from Thailand beaches and assume they had been modified; now I know that is not the case. This island is far and above the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Limestone cliffs barricade placid turquoise bays where the water is so clear you feel as if you're looking into a picture. The island itself had no cars, no motorbikes and no roads due to the fact that the main strip is only a couple hundred yards wide. Thai fishing boats bob in the distance and just when you think it can't get any more beautiful, the sun sets and the water and sky merge into one pink and purple blanket above your eyes. It's absolutely unbelievable.

Yesterday we took a tour of the smaller surrounding islands. Our first stop was a place called "Monkey Beach" and it definitely lived up to its name. Monkeys litered the beach and kept us entertained by attacking anyone (includind Corina nd myself) who was brave enough to approach them. Then it was off to another secluded cove where we got out to go snorkeling with an array of fish, beautiful neon colored reefs, and cute little jellyfish. Of course I had to touch one to see if they were the stinging kind....they were. A tropical storm rolled in and we boarded the boat once more to Maya Bay, the exact spot where they filned The Beach. Our "captain" dropped us off on what looked to be a staircase crafted by a pirate, and said in Thai what we assumed was "swim over there, climb those stairs, walk through the jungle to the beach, and I will pick you up on the other side." Luckily we were right, and after zig zagging our way through the rainforest, we arrived to the surprise of a lifetime. I understand now why the producers of that movie picked that location (and that Moby song). It was breathtaking. We stayed until sunset and made the trip back to our island, still in shock of the days events. I am still pinching myself every morning. I can't believe a place like this actully exists and that I am fortunate enough to have seen it in my lifetime. Chaing Mai tomorrow should be aother enlightening experience. More to come soon.



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