Final holiday fun before hitting real life

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand
July 23rd 2008
Published: August 4th 2008
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After all our cavalier and bountiful travel over the past 7 months, we felt life was really getting us down and we were in need of a holiday. Its tough here you know, traipsing across Asia with only the clothes on your back and a wad of money to spend. All you workers out there don't understand just how tough it is to aimlessly go where your heart desires, sleep in every morning and let your ... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 59, Displayed: 21


Champagne breakfast in SingaporeChampagne breakfast in Singapore
Champagne breakfast in Singapore

At the Hilton daaaaarling
Don't you love an infinity pool!Don't you love an infinity pool!
Don't you love an infinity pool!

This was the lovely hotel we stayed in as our gift from the Reid's - Thankyou!

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