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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Trang
September 27th 2008
Published: September 27th 2008
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Hello everyone. So I finally arrived in Trang this morning around 10am, about 11 pm your time. It is so unbelievably gorgeous. Every where you look is green, and not green like back home more like..I dunno.. maybe Ireland green. Its great. And there are all these rubber trees everywhere. I will try to take some pictures tomorrow. I am a little scared though just because there are a lot of taboos here especially not being able to take pictures of certian things, so i'm pretty nervous.

I arrived in Thailand on Thursday and spent Friday touring around Bangkok with 3 other volunteers that were staying at the same hotel as me. It was a lot of fun. We went on a long boat tour through the canals which are DISGUSTING!! The water has got to be some of the brownest water I have ever seen...yuck. Then we went to the Grand Royal Palace and we didn't do the tour for that because non of us felt like paying hah. But we walked around the outside and sat in the air conditioned souvenir shop because it is so unbelievably hot here. THen we went on a tour of one of the many Temples they have throughout Thailand. It was really cool. All the hall ways were lined with statues of buddhas and then the main room had this huge gold Buddha , it was very fasinating.

Me and 2 of the other volunteers then went out later that night to a local restaurant/bar where we had some real Thai food, which I tried but could not consume. The chicken and coconut soup was SOO spicy I thought I was going to die. And then they brought out squid but they were like baby squid complete with head and legs and the whole thing and I was not about to touch that...and then we had this shrimp and noodle dish which was pretty good, a tad spicy though i must say and this other chicken soup which was good at first and then it just continued to get spicier and spicier. But we tried some local beer which is actually pretty good and it comes in the coolest thing. I haven't taken pictures but nicole has, one of the volunteers so I will steal her pictures and upload.

I love you all and miss you all terribly, this could be a either a very long two months or quick. We shall see. 😊

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


n840736 42320394 3913n840736 42320394 3913
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I have no idea, but a cool building all the same
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nicole in the skirt that they made her wear to cover her legs at the royal palace
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The temple with all the cool buddhas
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buddha fasting
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Temple court yard type thing
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THe really cool beer thing
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The restaurant we went to and the many locals who loved buying me drinks :)

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