Got it! I think!

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August 29th 2009
Published: August 29th 2009
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A little nervous I am
This travel blog seems to be confusing me, surprise!

I added a few pics from the beginning til now. I also added on some people too. Enjoy or not. Just thought you might like it!
It's been raining a lot and the first day that it's not I'm here. Waiting for the rain to come but hasnt. Isnt that some Chinese sayin?
I'm getting down the whole pic thing so more pics to come. I have slept enough for 3 people and done with it! I have a problem with the food, they have a problem understanding me. I need to leasrn the word FISH! Lot's of miming for communication. Something I'm good at. It's hot. And I'm off to the next place! Pics will come with that story. Like I said I'm improving. I even got some pics on FB!!!! YAY!!!

Missing everyone and totally appreciating everyone's comments. It makes me smile!!! So keep them coming! Enjoy the big weekend!


29th August 2009

Yes, you are good at miming! :) That made me laugh! Now you can laugh because I feel off my bike in the middle of downtown ventura this morning. The clip would not come off and I just toppled over in front a bunch of old ladies walking their dogs...Very embarrassing.
30th August 2009

hi there
hey hope you stay safe and make it back to ventura my wife had our baby on 8/19/2009 ALITTLE GIRL KEEP YOUR HEAD UP STEVEN
30th August 2009

CONGRATS, man. How stoked are you? Too cool and sooo much ! thex for the words of advice!
30th August 2009

TIIIIIMMMMMBBBBBEREERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! It's like it happens im slow motion too. I hate when that happens. it'll only happed once cuz that embarrassing feeling, you wont want it back! Keep Trekking Sell that bread of urs and dont feel guilty!!! It's for a good cause!
30th August 2009
It's been raining in Guatemala. Wierd...just sorta happens right around 1 pm every day so far. Doesn't last long and isn't super harsh...but its kinda nice....don't remember the last time it rained in Cali. I'm missing everyone, but I don't think its really hit me yet that I doing something totaly different than most of the world. Glad your having fun...go learn some new words!!! Miss you tons! Wish I got one last hug in before you took off. Remember...Go big...or just don't even try!
1st September 2009

Going BIG!
It took me a few days to get started since I'm early or b4 school starts and had time to waste. For you, I'd imagine you just keep on moving forward. u'll be awesome and ur NOT the only person who does this stuff. Look at all the people on Travel Blog. All of them are doing it too. To me when I look at what they're doing and where they're going I seem trivial as it seems but so not. It's still big no matter how you look at it and U R AWESOME!!!!!!!! Live everyone elses dream! Miss you!
5th February 2010

love the pix and writing Nicole! xojanet
This is the first time I've gotten to actually get to your travel blog and its wonderful. The photos you've taken along the way are wonderful and it was so nice to see your face after all this time. Looking foreafd to seeing it inperson soon. Cheers and safe travels...Janet

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