Sea Bees Diving

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March 5th 2009
Published: March 7th 2009
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We woke up a bit later as our pick up was at 8.30am. Sea Bees picked us up and took us over to the dive centre and then onto the boat. It was a nice sized hard boat, our kit was ready for us to kit up before we went up for some breakfast. Fried Egg sandwich (good but not covent garden market good!)

Our first dive started off over sand, YAWN, but as we got to the rocky area improved, lots of soft corals, an octopus, fish, nudibrancs, and staghorn corals.

Our second dive was a potential Manta dive, but we were not lucky enough to see any, we did catch a glimpse of a turtle which was special! The coral was pretty and the pinnicle was covered in fish.

Our third dive was another scenic one, this time there was lots of different star fish, more pretty reef and fish. Very nice dive.

We chilled out (literally) before heading back to the centre and on to the hostel. It was a late drop off so after quick showers we went back to the Italian as it was close where I had yummy fish and potatos.

Another tiring but fun day.

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