Phuket and hospital!

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January 7th 2008
Published: January 9th 2008
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Unbelievable! On Saturday the 5th I contracted appendicitis and I have been in hospital from then until now! The hospital was was first class though, much like the care I received. I've added some photographs from my stay in hospital - it was the only sight I could see!

Went out for tea with Brenna and Sam tonight, in Patong. The place seemed to be too full, and full of the bad things about Thailand - cheap girls, beer, food, fake items; all at a rate 500 knots. Hard to recommend. We ate in a nice restaurant although I couldn't really do much but wince at having to walk anywhere - still feeling sore from the surgery!

A farewell to the guys anyway tonight, and I have to say I've enjoyed their company and I'll miss familiar faces being with us. a long trip awaits us for the next four months, and our immediate focus is on Phi Phi tomorrow - we're going to some island hopping before heading into Malaysia in the next week or so.


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