I am now TEFL teacher

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December 17th 2006
Published: December 17th 2006
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I have my certificate. I have absolutely enjoyed the experience. Everyone from the course is heading off in different directions. I will miss everyone; I have made some close friends, friends for life.

What am I going to do? Well, I would love to stay in Thailand, but I do not think it is possible at this point. First, they cannot pay me enough to live and still pay on my debt back home. Since the coup, I have heard that it is hard to get a work permit. After three months with a tourist visa, you would have to leave the country and cannot come back until after 60 or 90 days (not sure which).

Therefore, I am off to Cambodia tomorrow! I will be traveling there for a little while and hopefully will make it to Vietnam as well. After some travel I will be returning to Bangkok and will be moving to South Korea to teach. I can make very good money there and probably save quite a bit as well.

Til next time, in Cambodia

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One of the great teachers at TEFL school
George and meGeorge and me
George and me

She is awesome. She is from Australia. I am going meet her in Cambodia.

17th December 2006

Maggie, I didn't expect another blog right now because you were busy making decisions about travel. What a nice treat! Everyone here that I talk to is so excited about what you are doing. I love you, Maggie. Glad you are meeting someone in Cambodia.
18th December 2006

Way to go Maggie! I am glad you enjoyed everything, and had the courage to do this in the first place. Most of all, I am glad that you're focusing on using your cert for the future, instead of coming back here. Have fun traveling- be SAFE, and keep in touch every so often so I know you're ok. I got my vacation approved for end of April/first of May- let me know where I'll be going...!
20th December 2006

Never thought that you would end up teaching but it is wonderful. What a weather change you will notice between Thailand and South Korea. It makes me shiver to think about it. Enjoy your trip through Cambodia. Hope your holidays are eventful and that New Year 2007 brings you happiness.

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