Scuba Diving

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November 30th 2007
Published: November 30th 2007
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We went to Koh Tao to do our Open Water Diving Certificate, as it's the cheapest place in the world to do it. To get to Koh Tao we took an overnight ferry. We weren't expecting luxury but you can see from the picture it was a bit crampt. There was 24 people laid out on slabs trying to sleep, on an old fishermans boat which also had a digger onboard. Plus the sea was really choppy!

Koh Tao's not the sort of place that has a great night life, in fact it was a tad dull after dark, which was ok for us as we were there only to scuba dive and needed to stay sober.

The first day of our course was spent watching videos and learning all the theory, which felt a bit like school and it was hard for us to stay awake. But once we got in the water we were like waterbabies. We fell in love with scuba diving and the underwater world. As part of the course we had to do loads of skills in and under water. A few of which were snorkling and floating for ten minutes on the surface. Unfortunately during the floating exercise we felt stinging all over us. Our instructor insisted it was just the planton, but afterwards when we went to snorkle we could see with our masks that we had been floating in a load of jelly fish. As jelly fish are a big fear of both of ours we got totally freaked out and couldn't carry on with the exercise. We had to go to another dive site before we would attempt it again. But we both passed our course with flying colours and are keen to go diving again as soon as we can.

On the last day of our course we had an underwater film crew with us and were stars for the day which was great fun.


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