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August 17th 2005
Published: August 17th 2005
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Back to the Sun and Sea!Back to the Sun and Sea!Back to the Sun and Sea!

I have to walk 2 k's through the bush to get to my bungalow, but the scenery is worth it. It took me about an hour yesterday, with my backpack and all my shit. No wonder i slept so well!
Made it to Ko Tao in one piece- just! The last two days have felt like about 2 weeks of torture, delirium and bad curry. Today, though I am feeling the most awake, lucid and alive that I have felt in about... god knows how long! I'm flying solo once again, which is refreshing in a way -said seeya to Pete and Benny on Monday after spending nearly a month on the road with them. I'll be seeing Benny again in Oxford in a week, though which will be tops!

I'm currently staying in another "KP14"-style bungalow (see ko pha ngan entries) on top of a cliff overlooking 2 bays. It's absolutely lovely. Had 14 hours sleep last night and spent most of today walking aimlessly around the island, reading and feeling pretty chilled out and happy! I haven't met anyone yet, but I'm kinda thinking of having a hermit-style reclusive week of swimming & snorkelling, reading my book (Benny, that Wind-Up Bird story is FaR OuT!!) and eating delicious coconut-based food-stuffs. If people come along, then that's cool too, but no pressure.

Anyway, for those trying to get in contact- I AM in mobile range, however my battery
Bungalow on the cliffBungalow on the cliffBungalow on the cliff

My home for the next few days. Most tranquil...
is dead and there is no power within 2k's of where i'm staying...so that's a lost cause. I'd try to find a solution to that... but then where would that leave my hermit status? :P

Love to one and all.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


...and it's view...and it's view
...and it's view

looking over one of the bays and the rock on the end that looks like Buddha.
Ukey in the sky with DiamondsUkey in the sky with Diamonds
Ukey in the sky with Diamonds

..hadn't taken a photo of it for a while... ONLY A WEEK TILL LILA!
Ko TaoKo Tao
Ko Tao

...no, not really :P
"This is The End... My only friend, The End""This is The End... My only friend, The End"
"This is The End... My only friend, The End"

saying seeya to Benny 'n Pete.
The Roy OrbiesThe Roy Orbies
The Roy Orbies

...utterly useless. I thought I should get a photo of them before I throw them out...
The John LennysThe John Lennys
The John Lennys

...same with these scratched pieces of sheeite... sorry ash! :P will buy you some new ones some day

17th August 2005

to charlie with jealous love
Hey Chaz good to see ya getting out and about. Hope you're liking Thailand - what a great place eh? I've only just found your site so ill go and look at your other entries. Have fun Cheers Wooly
17th August 2005

ive just been thru all your journals. I too loved laos, travelled down the mekong on a slow boat and had a really good time. Don't forget to keep healthy - i'd avoid the thongs if i was you. keep at it charlie cheers from wolly and sandy.
17th August 2005

wind up bird
weird, i'm reading the wind up bird chronical too!! was gonna tell you to check out ko chang but looks like you've found an even better place ps love the john lennys
17th August 2005

ukey!!! nice one! ooh lila! she will be glad to see you!
17th August 2005

that was me by the way!

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