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January 3rd 2005
Published: January 3rd 2005
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These people are amazing. They are so laid back. Yesterday we moved to another beach called Maenam, it is quieter than our last beach Lamai, but nice, very relaxing.
Anyways we were searching for a place to stay and came across this old hippie guy from Holland. He has been at this resort bungalow place running it for 20 years. Hilarious guy, not meaning to be ofcourse, just so cool and calm he runs a very loose trusting ship. The place is all self serve, if you take something, example, beer, you simply mark a tick in the book that is appointed to your room, but if you have many don't but the ticks to close together his old eyes can't see very well anymore. Then when you are ready to leave, you tally up your book and pay, again very trusting, it is a cool system only something you could do here, I have a feeling Canadian culture would not adapt to this.
The other day we rented motorbikes and explored some waterfalls around Samui, it was pretty cool. April learned to drive one, that was freaky since they drive on the wrong side of the road and all, but she did great, no serious spills.
Tomorrow we may or may not leave for Koh Phangan, we are not sure, but I will keep you posted....


7th January 2005

Glad you're safe!
Hey guys, glad to hear that you were nowhere near the disaster area... absolutely awful how many people one silly wave can devastate. Sounds like you two are having an absolutely fabulous time! Love reading all about your travels. Keep em coming! - Joran
9th January 2005

What a place, it looks fabulous! - Mom

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